Education Is Problem?

(naughtyshakil, pesh)

Comparison of wages among teachers of the same institutional setup of Islamabad

Every government from time to time claims to improve the literacy rate and putting slogans of rising standard of education. In this article we will cover, the government institutions of the capital of Pakistan the Islamabad, their, Expenses and teachers salary (differences among the salary package and Selection criteria).

The two major setups i-e are Model setup and F-G setup likely to be merged are given focus here:

Selection Criteria:

Three types of teachers Package/Salary Means of selection.

Daily wages based 8000 PKRs On Recommendation of Dean/Principal of institution.

Contract based /Adhoc 32000 PKRs through Commission of Federal directorate of education Permanent based 31000 PKRs Through {.F.P.S.C.}Federal Public Service Commission.

Above statistics are important in a way that every type of teacher is assign the same duty irrespective of the criteria of selection or salary granted and when ever A teacher listens about improving standard of education across the country; teachers usually do positive criticism because it this is the situation then what?.

Standard is to achieve? Even this is not important the most astonishing fact is There is not a single hospital made for teachers across the country, similarly not a single housing scheme only for teachers.
Job insecurity:
For daily wages teachers it is only to the working day for no need to work according to plans thus the teacher will focus himself on only one day strategy.

Talking about contract appointed teachers they can be fired only with a notice of Thirty days .So his or her strategy will only be of thirty days.

Permanently based teachers will be having permanent strategy and planning or work of action all it goes In the full interest of students.

It has been observed that many institutions have been working only on time pass strategy and not up to mark facilities, even not conducting practicals.

Staff shortage:
It has been observed that serious setback is given due to shortage of staff viz laboratory demonstrators, laboratory assistants, laboratory attendants, laboratory in charges for provision of equipment and record keeping and for  Active correspondence.

It is observed that students are deprived of sports period and in some institutions only fake activities are observed just on special occasions or at visits of distinguished guests .

Libraries (provision of books)
Library facilities are also very less and just for paper work libraries are there and students are not allowed for books reading and issuance so they are of no use for students just a gallery for corruption.

Conclusion report:
If you wish to build a nation it is a Famous saying make an educational institution but if you consider the allocated budget we will find very low in comparison with other nations like Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

And the most amazing is that even this budget goes to corruption So what to talk about building a nation or rising educations standard……..???

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