(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

On the other hand, the Muslims get rid off Islamic teaching and Sunnah. Muslims are not such attention to getting education but diverting their minds for earning purposes. Muslims are fails to adhering practical Islam in daily life. Moreover, the corrupt practices are key issues which become fall down of the Muslims in the modern world. The Muslims believe are not enough to fulfill our social and martial obligations but yet it to be practical to perform their due liabilities. We are name Muslim. The spirit of patience is a moral story. We left this lesson in our daily life. Today, I am frankly; speaking liar person is always successful in our institutions. This dilemma is in our mind set which is essential to change otherwise we will have to lost every spirit slowly and sure in our social setup.

Muslims are the name of one nation. We also left the feelings of brotherhood in our daily life. Everyone has been participating in race to earn money and more. Today, this world left the characteristics of mannerism. It is not a criteria what others think about yourself or judge. Islam is the name of sacrifices. If Muslims are not repenting their ways they destroy reaming glory. In the past the Muslims were peacemaker and spreading Islam everywhere. Now, let start to learn how we get glory. First lesson, we learn from our forefather is Faith, trustworthy, truth and earn honest means. Be humble and be clam is prominent characteristics of our forefathers which we have to adopt. Sorry, to say that we left these noble characteristics in our daily life. It is bitter reality but is true.

Approximately, 90% Muslims left the Namaz which is Faraz. The Quran has been emphasized the Namaz but we left it behind. Muslim faith is in danger zone but we don’t bother. As per research concept of brotherhood is missing in our societies. The lust of women is spreading in our societies through Internet and TV (cable). Hence, the pretending news are circulating among Muslims which is desperate and creating chaos in the lines of united.

I am not fussy at all. Islam does not allow too involved any type of corruption. But Muslims feels proud to do the wrong and doing competition against women to persuade to sit alone. It is dilemma in our Muslims society. Today, I am frankly; speaking the life of the women is most danger zone amidst Muslims Community. But we are not bothered to correct our ways. This type of attitude is more problematic for us. This world is a stage. We are player to perform our due role. If we are not repenting our ways that we will slowly and surely lost reaming glory of Muslims Triumph’s.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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