Being a parent is one of the toughest challenges in the world
and parent-child relation has great impact on the life of a child because a
child build their behavior, values , traits and attitude according to their
surrounding and parents are the one who build it.
The stronger and pleasant the parent-child relation is, the better the
upbringing. A child learns a lot through their parent life style that is why
parenting style and friendly and pleasant relation with children are important.
The relation between parent and child helps the child to learn about the world
like whether the world is safe and secure, whether they have loved or not, who
they love, where they are safe and where not and what happen when they cry,
laugh and much more.
If you developed a healthy relation with your child then your child should be
able to:
• Build healthy relationship with other people and can be able to establish
strong and secure bonds with their peer group.
• Emotionally strong parents who developed strong relation with their child as
compare to the other, their child are more emotionally strong.
• Confident parents who build their child confidence are more likely to handle
difficult situation than the other children.
• Positive behavior a child developed in positive environment exhibit positive
social behavior and react positively. The way of thinking of that child is
• Better performance when the parent concentrate in their child activities and
life and provide them guidance then their child perform better in their academic
and social life.
• Mentally stable child who share a friendly and pleasant relation with their
parents are more mentally stable because of their positive surrounding.
These qualities develop in your child only when you provide a suitable
environment and share a healthy bond with your child. Some of the things a
parent should practice on regular basis to make their bond stronger with their
child are as follow:
• Develop a pleasant interaction with your child and share the routine of your
day with them and listen to their way of spending a day and also listen to each
other point of view on different situations or problems because it will help you
to know your child better.
• Provide them proper guidance that where they are wrong and where they are
right this will help your child to see every side of the story.
• Set some rules, boundaries and consequences this will help your child to know
about their limit and also guide them what to do, what not to do.
• Give them at least required attention, when they are talking, playing,
watching something, take time and sit with them in your free time this also will
help you to make your bond strong with your child.
• Tell your child you love them frequently because children often feel unloved
at some phases no matter what is the age of your child just show them your love
just to make them feel better.
If a parent is not going to do such things to share a pleasant bond with their
child then they shared a weak bond with their child and because of that a child
suffer a lot in different aspect of life like:
• A child who does not share a healthy bond with their parents will be
insecurein future and because of that it was difficult for them to develop a
pleasant relation with anyone.
• Children who faceproblems in their childhood and fight with them all alone
because of less interaction with their parents are not emotionally strong.
• Because of lack of interaction with their own parents the child suffers from
lack ofconfidence and does not share their feeling with anyone and this thing
may lead to make them depressed in future.
• Children who developed their behavior, values and traits in negative
environment are mostly negative thinkers; they aren’t able to see the positive
side of the picture in any situation.
• A child who does not share a healthy and pleasant relation with their parent
suffers from mental breakdown just because they don’t know how to control their
If parents didn’t able to provide their children a suitable environment
important for their growth, don’t give them necessary attention, didn’t provide
a proper guidance about what is wrong and what is right and don’t set any rules
and regulation then just because putting less effort in the relationship with
their child, their children suffers a lot that is why it is really important for
parents to build a strong, healthy, peaceful and pleasant relation with