Very Nice Stories

(Naeem Shaikh, Karachi)

As-salaamu Alaikum,

Just wanted to share with you all 3 very short stories I read recently, rich in wisdom and lessons.
The stories are about an apple, a pomegranate, and milk. No – it’s not a recipe for some funky milkshake; rather it’s a recipe for Allah’s Barakah in your life and in your offspring. Read on to see how …

Story One – Tales of The Sour Pomegranate

Once upon a time the guard of a garden was asked by his master (the owner of the garden) to go and pick out for him a pomegranate that is sweet in taste.
The guard went away and came back with one which then turned out to be sour. The master frowned upon his guard and said, “This was sour, I want a sweet one!” The guards ventures off and again returns with one that is sour. The scenario repeats itself three times until the master exclaims in disappointment, “you have been guarding my gardens for an entire year now. Have you still not learnt to differentiate between a sweet and sour pomegranate?” The guard replies, “when you hired me, you instructed me to guard your fruits, but you gave me no permission to taste them… how then do you expect me to learn how they taste?” The master was astonished by this simple man’s conduct and trustworthiness, and offered to marry him to his daughter, and the guard accepted very happily.

The fruit of this marriage was the birth of no other than the great tabi’i (second generation of Muslims, who met the Sahabah but not Rasul Allah), Abdullah ibn Al Mubarak, one of the earliest scholars of this Ummah.

Story Two – The Apple on The Walk Path

As he walked by the garden, he saw an apple on the walk path. It had fallen off the tree whose branch extends beyond the fences to shade the way. He picked it up and ate it. Shortly thereafter, he was struck by guilt, thinking he had consumed an apple that didn’t belong to him. He set out to find the owner of the garden to inform him that he ate one of his apples without permission, in order to pay the monetary value of it, or be forgiven for this sinful deed, and he did! The owner was amazed and cleverly responded, “I will not forgive you unless you accept my one stipulation: that you marry my daughter. But she is deaf, blind, mute and paralysed”. The man was gobsmacked, and juggled his thoughts in his head for a moment He then surrendered to the stipulation, knowing that persevering with such a misfortunate wife is less horrific than the torment of Allah for ‘stealing’ an apple. The night of the marriage came, and the groom walks in to his brides room with deep sorrow feelings, only to find a woman of magical beauty awaiting him; she speaks, hears, see’s and walks. Moreover, she was very well learned in Islam, exceptional in piety. She said to her now husband, “I know you are surprised. My father described me as blind, and that is because I have blinded my eyes away from any sight which displeases Allah; he said I’m mute, because I’ve muted my tongue from all speech but that which is remembrance of Allah I’m paralysed because I indulge in no forbidden activity; and I am deaf because I refrain from hearing all vein speech. My father wanted to ensure my husband is a very pious man, one whom deserves me”

The pious couple brought a gift to the Ummah; their child was the great Imam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah.

Story Three – The Milky Water drink

The famous story of the woman who sold milk during the era of Omar Ibn Al Khattab Radhi Allahu anhu. The woman would mix the milk with water at night to increase it’s volume and generate greater revenues from her trade in the morning As Omar Radhi Allahu anhu walked by her home during his routine night inspections, he overheard the daughter of this woman proclaim, “O mother! If you’re assured that Omar does not see you cheating in the secrecy of your home, in the middle of the night, then be certain that the Lord and Creator of Omar sees and records all actions.” Omar Radhi Allahu anhu heard the words of this god-fearing young woman, and asked his son [Asim] to marry her.

Their child was Layla, mother of Ameer-ul Mu’mineen Omar ibn Abdul-Aziz, the Umayyad caliph described by most Islamic historians as the 5th of the 4 rightly guided caliph’s, due to his exceptional knowledge, conduct, justice and piety.

End of stories.

Comment: Every Muslim wishes for a god-fearing spouse and righteous offspring. This is indeed a noble ends to pursue, for the pious family is the bedrock of a healthy Muslim community. The moral is: fear Allah truly, and Allah will open up doors of success before you in this world and bless you with pious offspring who will continue to generate you reward, by their good deeds and supplications, even after you're long gone.

Naeem Shaikh
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