On-line Learning

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

Online Learning insights
Abstract: The online learning has changed the scenario from hard way to soft way, helps in enhancing the bounded rationality by way of dynamic and multi-access approaches.

The world has drastically changed with the invention of internet as now learning is on the finger tips from a person desirous of education and knowledge. With the aforesaid invention, the world is called a global village because it has integrated the scattered world. The integrated world is being benefited with online learning that has an outreach capacity for learning and cannot be denied in any case. The following are the characteristics and insights of Online Learning:-

• Growth of Bounded Rationality: Each man has a limited capacity building, but with the approach of online learning his capacity building has increased to a large extent as some innovative knowledge approaches him which he could have never grasped without online learning. The field of online learning is not limited as each sphere of knowledge is covered in this horizon benefiting to all knowledge hunters.

• Brainstorming Approach: Group activity to find out the solution of any problem gives a fruitful result. The online learning has opened the door of brainstorming, in terms of individuality and in terms of the group, by involving a number of online barriers that leads to concrete conclusions. Each brain has the capacity, diversity and wired differently so it helps out in decision making – solving problems and reducing grievances through efficient use of online learning. Due to brainstorming approach, new inventions and discoveries are being made by way of research and development in all sectors whether it is technical or non-technical.

• Result-Oriented Approach: The online learning is a result-oriented approach as it robustly transforms the trainee into trainer also trains the trainers. It gives concrete results as it is powerful and built up explorer. It may further be broadened by way of four characteristics of the approach, i.e. learn, solve, buy and manage.

• Self-Knowledge Approach: Gone are the days when it was echoed that a man could not learn by himself, but through online learning the old approach has become obsolete totally and now self-knowledge approach is on the track of information technology and territory. Online career portals are also performing great services to all individuals by maximization the effectiveness of career hunting. The job hunters through online career portals are getting jobs on account of which the Gross Domestic Product of the world and their respective countries is increasing.

• Empirical and Analytical Advancement: The online learning grows the empirical and analytical efficiency of an online student that leads to expandable approach. Online issues are analyzed in a practical way so that the result that may come under the approach is free from all contra version and debate having outreach acceptability. Flexibility, Simplicity and Openness: The online learning is flexible, simple and open to each and every person. This approach of learning has totally changed the conventional learning approach and is facilitating to boost up the knowledge without any discrimination. Due to these traits of online learning, the conventional universities and educational institutions are forced to impart online education to their prospective students on competitive charges.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 120559 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More