Qualities of Hadrat Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam

(Seerat Shahina, )

Qualities of Hadrat Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a messenger chosen by God to impart his message, conveyed in the Qur’an, the foundational manual of the Muslim community, humanity in general. Prophet Muhammad is the central human figure in Islam and the last of the messengers. The title khatam an-nabiyyin usually translated as "Seal of the Prophets or Messengers", is applied to Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Holy Quran

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” 33:40

Prophet Muhammad is the last of the Prophets and that no prophet will be sent after him is a basic belief of Islam. This is such a crucial belief that the denial of the final decision of Prophethood is in fact the denial of the Quran. This is not an ordinary matter, it is a decree full of knowledge and wisdom, "For Allah has full knowledge of all things."

Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah was born in Mecca in Arabia around the year 570 CE. His father died before he was born and he was raised by his mother Amina (May Allah pleases with her). He grew up in his grandfather’s house. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), himself was a trader and he introduced many basic rules and regulations in commerce and trade. His reputation as an honest and truthful trader was well established while he was very young.

At the age of 40 in 610 CE, Muhammad is said to have received his first verbal revelation in the cave called Hira, which was the beginning of the descent of the Quran that continued up to the end of his life. These revelations from Allah form the content of the Quran and the foundation of Islam.

Muhammad (SAW) was chosen with the responsibility of spreading Islam and to preach the message of Oneness of God at the time of darkness. At that time the people practiced idolatry and did not believe in Allah. The tribes of the Arabian Peninsula had their own gods for whom altars or just stones were set up and on which they sacrificed animals; The moon was the most widely worshipped object in pre -Islamic Arabia.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced a lot of hurdles and troubles while spreading the Will and the Word of Allah (SWT) but his devotion and hard work persuaded the people to follow the right path prescribed by Allah. He also explained about morality and humanity, that our worth is based on how good we are as human beings. Those who do good deeds and believe in the one God will be saved and rewarded. During hardships and sufferings the Prophet showed a lot of patience and nothing took hold of him as he was never discouraged by adverse conditions or personal desires. His sacrifice and work in preaching the religion of Islam is undoubtedly rare in the history of the world.

Muhammad unified the different tribes of Arabia under Islam and carried out social and religious reforms. By 630 he had unified most of Arabia under a single religion. By the time he died in 632, almost all the tribes of the Arabia were converted to Islam

Prophet Muhammad was an exemplary statesman and leader. His leadership expertises were depicted in his religious mission as well as in his governance of state. The religious, social, and political beliefs that Muhammad established with the Quran became the foundation of Islam and the Muslim world.

Prophet Muhammad earned the title ‘Al Amin’ because he was trustworthy. He was also known as Sadiq (truthful), because he never lied. The Messenger (PBUH) was very much concerned about educating his Companions and the people of the communities about truthfulness.

In a hadith reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Ibn-Masoud, Prophet (Pbuh) said:

“Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise.”
Tirmidhi, narrated a hadith with a sound chain of narrators that the Prophet (Pbuh) said,
“Truthfulness is tranquillity and falsehood is suspicion.”

There are many verses in the Quran that address Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and his many characteristics which made him the perfect role model for humankind. For instance:

“There is certainly a good exemplar for you in the Apostle of Allah.” (33:21)

“Indeed, you possess a great character.” (68:4)

“And we have only sent you [Muhammad] as a Mercy to the worlds”. (21:107)

Prophet Muhammad is considered as a great leader because of his numerous qualities. He was Kind, humble, trust worthy, honest, generous, He was exemplary for patience, equality &justice.

He loved the children, sheltered the orphans, cared for the weak. He was kind with women and stood for anyone in need. It is rare to find someone with so many qualities so that’s why his personality is unique, and popular until today.

Michael H. Hart in his book, (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, 1978) Put Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)” Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of the World Religion of Islam as number one in the list of a hundred people who had an enormous influence in history.”

Hart explicitly wasn't attempting to rank on "greatness" as a criterion, but rather how this person was influential and changed the course of human history. He gave additional credit for importance for people whose actions Hart felt were unusual.

The Prophet had uncountable accomplishments in his life. He brought about and promoted religious tolerance and advocated and promoted peaceful co-existence of people of diverse tribes and nations. Besides all he was a person of exemplary character who practiced and demonstrated what he preached and told others. May Allah`s blessings and peace be upon him.

Seerat Shahina
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