Protection from evil whisperings - Surah An-Nas

(Seerat Shahina, )

Protection from evil whisperings - Surah An-Nas
The chapter takes its name from the word An-Nas ("men", "people" or "mankind"), which recurs throughout the chapter. Surah An-Nas has more emphasis on seeking protection with God, through His different Attributes and Names, in comparison to the previous chapter Al- Falaq, which had more emphasis on seeking protection against evil, so there is a reciprocity between these two chapters; Al-Falaq mentions the Lord once, and many evils, whereas An-Nas mentions one evil whisperings (waswasa from Shayṭan), and mentions God`s name many times. Together with the previous chapter, Al- Falaq they are known as the 'Two Refuges' or “Al-Muawwidhatayn”, dealing with almost the same theme.

Transliteration of Surah An-Nas
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Qul a’uzu birabbin nas
Malikin nas
Ilaahin nas
Min sharril was waasil khannaas
Al lazee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin nas
Minal jinnati wan

Translation of Surah An-Nas
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
The Sovereign of mankind,
The God of mankind,
From the evil of the retreating whisperer –
Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind
From among the jinn and mankind."

The first three verses of the Surah present the Power and Authority of Allah Almighty. Three attributes of the magnificent attributes of Allah; Lordship, Sovereignty and Divinity are emphasized. Surely, He is the Lord of everything, the King of everything and the God of everything. All things are created by Him, owned by Him, and are subservient to Him. The refuge being sought is connected to the Lordship of Allah because refuge is only taken with one who has Lordship, one who can take care and manage all types of affairs. Allah sustains and cares for every one; He provides with all the means for their living and for protection against evil.

If one needs the refuge of a powerful Sovereign, Allah is his King and Ruler; Allah has authority to guide man's conduct. He is the only real Sovereign of the world and kingdom and judgment belongs to Him. He has given the laws. Allah is the Ultimate Authority over us to guide and help.

If one needs to seek refuge with God, Allah is the only God worthy of worship and any other worshipped deity is false and fake. Allah is He to Whom mankind must return, to give an account of all their deeds in this life (2:156); and Allah will be the only Judge. From all these aspects man could and should seek Allah's protection from not only Satan (Shayṭan) and his likes, but also from all people who have bad influence and evil.

In first three verses, the word ‘Nas’ i.e., people or mankind has been repeated three times to show that God’s Lordship, Sovereignty and Divinity are equal for every one and is not particular to certain people, groups or races.
The word waswasa means the one who whispers over and over again, and also means to whisper into someone’s heart an evil suggestion. As for the word khannās, it is derived from, khunus, which means to hide after appearing and to retreat after coming into view. From the mischief of the whisperer (of evil), who withdraws (after his whisper). Evil itself implies in all sorts of cunning ways. This power of evil may be from Satan or his hosts who practice evil, or evil men or evil inclinations within man's own will, for there are “evil ones among men and jinns, inspiring each other with flowery talks by way of deception" (6:112).

Satan is continuously tempting man, but as soon as man remembers God he hides and retreats again, and as soon as man becomes heedless of God, he intrudes again. After whispering once he retreats and then again returns over and over again. An evil suggestion is the starting point of evil act. When it affects a careless or heedless person, it creates in him a desire for evil. Then, further whisperings change the evil desire into an evil intention and eventually evil purpose. Satan also comes in different ways to the believer, for example, excites him to anger with his opponent. (7:200 ,23:97)

Satanic whisperings can weaken belief, introduce doubts, or entice mankind towards evil. If people act upon these whisperings, that call towards evil actions, people will become sinful.

Therefore, the purpose of seeking God’s refuge from the evil of the whisperer is that may Allah save us and nip the evil in the bud. God protects from evils which affects within. Our faith is tested, and we must stand the test steadfastly.

The example of Hadrat Adam and Hawa, that they were forbidden not to go near the forbidden plant. Iblis summoned all the envy within him and took advantage of Adam's human weakness. He started to whisper to him consistently, tempting him. His heart changed and his will weakened. Satan swore by Allah to them both (saying):
"Verily, I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both."
7: 20-21.
They both ate of the forbidden plant. So, the Satan misled them with deception.
Allah Almighty said:
“Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray”.
20: 121
The last verse expands the description of the sources from which the whisper of evil may proceed, for example, they may be men, whom one can see or invisible jin whispering evil within. Therefore, it is necessary that we put ourselves in Allah's protection.
People usually recite "A'oodhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem" before staring prayer or recitation of Quran, it means, "I seek Allah's refuge from Satan."
It is also mentioned in Quran:
“And when thou recite the Qur’an, seek refuge with Allah
from Satan the rejected”.

“According to Ibn Kathir (tafsir) it has been reported from Abu Sa`id that Prophet Muhammad used to seek protection from the evil eyes of the jinn and mankind. But when the Muawwidhatayn were revealed, he used them (for protection) and abandoned all else besides them”. (Al-Tirmidhi, An Nisai and Ibn Majah)

The Surah sums up the whole message given in the Holy Book that Satan is an eternal enemy of man. Only Allah the Almighty can have mercy on us and fully protect us from all evils.

“And say "O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the Evil Ones.”23:97

Seerat Shahina
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