(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

I have been noticing for many days that a girl shares various videos of the Muslim Clerics on face book whereas she also writes some controversial and useless points against the clerics’ sects or doctrines as if she is a great Muslim and knows the Islam better than all! Actually she wants to prove that she herself is on the right path and rest of all others is going wrong!

This situation is very sensitive because when I see educated people’s comments on the videos, I feel ashamed and pity on what kind of education they have got when they cannot discriminate among good and bad! They actually start fighting one another passing the comments as “you are infidel or munafiq” etc. also they use abusive language! How ease it is to call someone an infidel today I am greatly afraid!

Allah Almighty bestowed everybody wisdom to ponder and opt right path so, why not they think of it?! It is useless to get education if people cannot comprehend and identify good and bad! They should ponder deeply before commenting on any body whether they are doing right or wrong! Sometimes it seems that we are on right path but we are not!

It is also the responsibility of the Muslim clerics that they should not use very harsh language or words when addressing to Public. Although the clerics’ purpose of address is to make the people understand and enlighten the real teachings of Islam, they should never use those words that can be criticized by people and they can take wrong perception of their teaching! Allah Almighty is watching everything and none can deceive Him! He gave us the Holy Quran and Ahadith! Just deliver us the real Islamic teachings and nothing more! May Allah Almighty preserve the real Islam and confer great wit upon us to understand Islam and spread Islamic brotherhood among us! Aameen

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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