Love of Pious Predecessors for the Glorious Qura’an

(Khursheed Alam Dawood Qasmi, India)

The Almighty Allah revealed the Glorious Qura’an for the guidance of the humanity. Along with guidance, this book is full with blessings and goodness. Reciting this book with deep understanding and ponding over it lead the human being to comprehend the purpose of his creation. Though a person doesn’t have capability to understand the Arabic language and literature; but he is able to read Arabic text, he must recite this Book of guidance. This is such book that if a person reads it even without understanding, he is rewarded for it. A Hadith says up to the extent that the one who recites the Qura’an with great difficulty as he has not learnt it by heart, he will get double reward. It is narrated by Aisha (RA) that the Prophet (SAWS) said: "Such a person as recites the Qur'an and masters it by heart, will be with the (angels) honourable and obedient (in heaven). And such a person as exerts himself to learn the Qur'an by heart, and recites it with great difficulty, will have a double reward." (Sahih Al-Bukhari: 4937)

The reward which will be given for reciting the Holy Qura’an has come in a Hadith in detail. According to the Hadith, the reciter will get one reward for each word he recites. Then that one reward will be multiplied by ten times. Abullah bin Masood (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: "[Whoever recites a letter] from Allah's Book, then he receives the reward for it, and the reward of ten the like of it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter." (Sunan Tirmidhi: 2910)

If a person isn’t able to recite the Qura’an; but when he finds someone reciting it, he listens to him attentively and interestingly; he will be rewarded for it. Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) says: “One who listens to a verse from the Book of Allah the Exalted; a reward is recorded for him (in his book of deeds) which multiplies. And the one who recites it, it will be light for him on the Last Day. (Musnad Imam Ahmad: 8494) Another narration speaks: “The one who listens to a word from the Book of Allah; while he is pure (in the state of Wudhu), ten rewards will be written for him, his ten sins will be taken off (from his account of Deeds) and he will be upgraded ten degrees in rewards. (Sho’ab Al-Iman: 1918)

A man who recites the Holy Qura’an and acts upon its commandments; the Qura’an will be cause of his admission in the Jannah. Such person will be given honour to intercede for such persons who were to be admitted in the Hellfire. It is narrated by Ali (RA) bin Abi Tãlib that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: "Whoever recites the Qur'an and memorizes it, making lawful what it makes lawful, and unlawful what it makes unlawful, Allah will admit him to Paradise due to it, and grant his intercession for ten of his family members who were to be consigned to the Fire." (Sunan Tirmidhi: 2905)

There are numerous Hadiths wherein the benefits and rewards of the recitation of the Holy Qura’an have been mentioned. The Prophet (SAWS) had very deep love for reciting the Qura’an. Sometimes, he (SAWS) used to recite the whole chapter of Al-Baqarah in the first Rak’ah, the whole chapter of Aal Imran in the second Raka’ah, the whole chapter of Al-Nisaa in the third Raka’ah and the whole chapter of Al-Ma’idah or Al-Ana’am in the fourth Raka’ah. The Hadith is very long narrated by Huzaifah (RA). Here only the related part is being quoted: “He prayed four Rak'ahs in which he recited Al-Baqarah, Aal 'Imran, An-Nisã', Al-Ma 'idah or Al-An 'am" Shu'bah (one of the narrators) was not sure (about the last Sarah)”. (Sunan Abu Dawood: 874)

There are numerous virtues and benefits, rewards and blessings in the traditions of the Prophet (SAWS) for the one who ponder over the messages of the Holy Qru’an, recites it and abides by its rulings. Some of it has been mentioned here. That is the main reason that the deep love of our pious predecessors and elders for the Glorious Qura’an and their interests in it were amazing and astonishing. If the relations of those elders with the Qura’an are mentioned today somewhere, the people will get surprised. I am going to mention the stories of the Qura’an recitation of some of those elders and pious people here. I hope, after reading it, the people will think to strengthen their relations with the Qrua’an for the betterment of their hereafter.

The third Khalifah of Islam, Uthman (RA) narrates about himself that he used to recite the complete Qura’an in a night. It’s also narrated about a group of the elders and pious predecessors. (Ghada’ Al-Albab Fee Sharh Manzumah Al-Aadab: 1/403)

Saeed bin Jabir Asadi (May Allah have mercy on him!) is a successor to the companions. He is one among the students of Abdulllah bin Abbas (RA). He was counted an Imam of Tafseer and Fiqh. It is said about him that he used to complete recitation of the full Qura’an during a prayer between Maghrib and Eisha Salaah. He used to complete reciting full Qura’an in one sitting in the Holy Ka’bah. Occasionally, he used to recite the full Qura’an in one Rak’ah in the Holy Ka’abah. (Al-Bidayah Wa Al-Nihayah: 9/116)

Abdullah, son of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (780-855) narrates: “My father used to offer three hundred Raka’ah (optional prayer) in each day and night. When he fell sick due to being lashed which made him weak, then he used to offer fifty Raka’ah (optional prayer) in one day and night; while he was about eighty years old. Every day he used to recite one seventh of the Qura’an and used to complete one Qura’an in seven days. He used to also complete reciting one Qura’an following seven nights. (Sifah Al-Safwah: 1/484)

Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Shadan says: “It is said that Kanani (Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ali bin Jafar Kanani) completed recitation of the Qrua’an 12,000 times during making Tawaf.” (Sifah Al-Safwah: 1/539) Kanani was actually from Baghdad. He was settled in Makkah Mukarramah and passed away there in Makkah.

Hamani says: “When Abu Bakr bin Ayyash was about to die, his sister started crying. Then he told his sister: ‘Why do you cry? See at the corner of the house. Your brother has completed reciting the full Qrua’an 18 thousand times.” (Sifah Al-Safwah: 2/96) Ibrahim, son of Abu Bakr bin Ayyash says: “When my father was about to die, I started crying. He asked: ‘Why do you cry? Do you fear that the Almighty Allah will waste your father who completed recitation of one Qura’an each night up to 40 years.” (Sifah Al-Safwah: 2/96)

Husain, son of Amr Munqazi says: “When (Abdullah) bin Idris was about to die, his daughter started crying.” Then he said: “Don’t cry! I have completed recitation of the full Holy Qrua’an 40,000 times in this home.” (Al-Muntazam Fee Taarikh Al-Umam Wa Al-Muluk 9/205)

Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf used to get wage from the people for issuing Fatwa. From those wages, he used to spend one “Daniq” for himself and remaining used to give in charity. He used to complete the recitation of the full Qrua’an every day. He had learned from six hundred scholars and had received a lot of traditions of the Prophet (SAWS).” (Sifah Al-Safwah: 2/287)

Abdul Aziz Muqaddasi says: “I check account of myself from the day I had attended puberty. I didn’t find my mistakes more than thirty six. I made one hundred thousand Istighfaar before Allah for each mistake. I offered one thousand Rka’ah for each mistake. I completed recitation one full Qrua’an for each mistake. Even after that I don’t think that I am protected from the wrath of Allah, I fear that Allah may catch me for those mistakes.” (Sifah Al-Safwah: 2/395)

Abu Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad Tusi Shafaiee was a Mufti of Khurasan. He was a scholar of Hadith and made several journeys for learning Hadith. …. He had divided night into three parts. One third was for authoring, one third for reciting the Qura’an and one third for sleeping. (Mira’at Al-Jinan 2/252) Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmad was known among the people as Ibn Haddad. It is well-known about him that he used fast alternate days and used to complete recitation of full Qura’an in one day and night. (Mira’at Al-Jinan 2/252)

It was practice of Ibn Awn to fast alternate days. He used to complete the recitation of the full Qrua’an in a week. (Taarikh Al-Islam Wa Wafiyyat Al-Mashahir Wa Al-A’alam 9/461) Ahmad bin Umar Al-Bajee narrates that he heard Ahmad bin Nafees saying: “I completed the recitation of the full Qura’an 1000 times nearby the grave of the Prophet (SAWS). (Taarikh Al-Islam Wa Wafiyyat Al-Mashahir Wa Al-A’alam 30/337)

Salih bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman Shirazi says that he completed the recitation of the full Qrua’an 4000 times. (Al-Muntazam Fee Taarikh Al-Umam Wa Al-Muluk 12/362) Abdul Malik bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Ahmad bin Kheirun used to complete the recitation of the full Qrua’an each night and he used to fast abundantly. (Al-Muntazam Fee Taarikh Al-Umam Wa Al-Muluk 16/207)

It is said about Yazid bin Harun Abu Bakr bin Ayyash that he spent his 60 years in the way that he used to complete the recitation of the full Qrua’an everyday. (Al-Bidayah Wa Al-Nihaya 10/243)

Ibn Hajib says: “Abul Hasan Al-Salami was a jurist. He used to complete the recitation of the full Qura’an in one day and night.” (Al-Darish Fee Taarikh Al-Madaris 1/153)

Ahmad Abu Al-Hawari says: “When I recite the Holy Qrua’an and think in the verses, my wisdom gets astonished. I am surprised about those who have memorized the whole Qura’an by heart that how they sleep peacefully and how it is possible for them to be buys in the worldly affairs; while they recite the Holy Qura’an! The Qura’an which they recite, if they understand it, know it as truth, feel its taste, feel the sweetness of its whisper; they will have their sleep driven off due to what they have been blessed with. (Lataif Al-Ma’arif of Ibn Rajab 1/173)

The practice of Sheikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan Deobandi (Rahimahullah) regarding the recitation of the holy Qura’an has been narrated like this: “… Then after making Wudhu, he used to get busy in the recitation of the Qrua’an, Dalaail Al-Keiraat, Hizb Al-Aazam etc. But he used to recite the Holy Qrua’an abundantly. Most probably, he used to recite 10-12 parts daily.” (Mufti Azizur Rahman Bijnori, Tazkirah Sheikhul Hind, 153)

Here the stories of the love of pious predecessor for the Glorious Qura’an and its recitation have been mentioned. We should note that the Holy Qrua’an is only the protected Book wherein Allah has mentioned the guidance for the success of His slaves. The book is full with the rewards and the blessings for the human being. Allah has decided the rewards for the reciter of this Book. Allah will grant the intercession of those who have memorized the Holy Qrua’an by hearts for such people for whom the hellfire had been decided. All these are such qualities of this Book that no any book shares. Our deep love and relations with this great book should be as exemplary as of our elders and pious predecessors. We should keep our hearts filled and enlightened with the recitation and direction of the Qrua’an. If we fail to do so, it is very unfortunate and we will remain like a ruined house. Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: "Indeed, the one who doesn’t have anything from the Qur'an inside him (his heart) is like the ruined house." (Sunan Tirmidh: 2913) ••••

Khursheed Alam Dawood Qasmi
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