What is Computer?
(Muhammad Shahbaz, Gujrat)
The Compute is electronic
machine. it work when we give any input or instruction. without input /
instruction it did not work.
Basically three parts of computer.
i) CPU:...
The CPU brain of Computer. all instruction process here. our inputs recieve this
part and process these instruction and generate output.
it contain three main parts are:
1) Controle unit 2) Memory unit 3) Arithmatic Logic unit
1) Controle unit(CU) is the first part of the CPU. the working of cu is recieve
all instructions and convert into machine language. cu also connect devices with
him, like a keyboar, usb, mouse, boise ect.. it check the input what do you?
with respect to input send its allocated point.
2) Memory Unit. In CPU memory unit is RAM. it store all instruction that come on
CU and who go to ALU. after processing of ALU the output also store in
RAM(memroy unit). if we store it Hard disk then wo can store on hard disk.
3) ALU (arithmatic logic unit)
ALU contain two parts. !) AU !!) LU
AU is a arithmatic unit . the AU contain on (+ , - , / , * ). it only
calculation simply
LU is logic unit. The LU contain on (AND , OR, NOT, XOR, NOR , NAND, XNOR)
functions. it solve logic equtions.