(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

image-counter terrorism

The role of technology cannot be denied in countering extremism and terrorism. With the advancement of age and wage, the terrorism and extremism activities have also slapped the difficult trends which cannot be countered without the help of innovative technology and fighting gears such as drones, Spy Jets, crime detective, innovate software and biometric scanners. The technology and innovation have also helped terrorist and extremist groups in carrying out their innovated attacks on account of this they have become four-faces danger for the world peace and global integrity. Their violent, radical, sudden and unforeseen attacks have destroyed a billion of rupees properties and killed millions of people in all over the world. In real terms extremists have made the world more unstable and shaken the trust on law enforcement agencies by way of their intelligence gathering and strategies applied by them in terrorist activities. If Technology and Innovations are used in real and solid terms, the extremism and terrorism can be countered. The countering strategies to hold the extremism and terrorism by way of innovation are discussed below. Further, the following aspects and features must be addressed in countering the extremism and terrorism.

1) Economy: In broad terms, when a country is counted in terms of its production of Goods and Services, Consumption as well as the state of its foreign trade and foreign exchange is known as its Economy. If the economy is much below the standard or optimum level, the country is known as poor. Poverty and scarcity of food and shelter create rage amongst the youngsters that in the short run drive the youngsters towards unlawful activities. These activities, if not addressed have transformed into Extremism and Terrorism. In order to address the extremism, the economic activities must be flourished by way of creating work and jobs and other short-term and long-term crush economy-raising programs so that the youngsters may enter into these monetary beneficial activities. In this way they remain busy all the day in positive activities avoiding the gears of digital communication such as social media and internet as excessive use of digital communication plays a substantial part in raising extremism and terrorism.

2) Injustice: Consideration only own benefit by avoiding the interest of others, comes under the definition / purview of injustice. Further, injustice means avoiding of justice or absence of justice which creates poverty. The society cannot be flourished if there is prevailing injustice. Killings and street crimes are observed generally in this kind of society. Culprits have become fearless as there is no writ of the Government in the matter of justice. The phrase “might is right” is absolutely true in the society where no justice is carried out. Due to lack of justice “he Banana Republic System” is established in the country where courts and judgement of the court have become submissive; on the Oher hand, the unlawful practice, culprits and criminal are assertive. Injustice and poverty, not only bring moral destruction and deviation, but also put severe immoral problems in the society, consequently the society is collapsing in the long run. It is established fact that the Government of unbelievers can run smoothly, but the State where injustice and poverty prevail cannot run in any circumstances. The injustice and poverty are also causes of extremism in the society.

The Extremists take undue advantages in the unjust society – they take fearful revenue against their opponents and not allow them to live peacefully. They build State within the State and run their affairs according to their unethical will and wishes. If one lives according to his wish and will, he all in all deviates the instructions of Allah and His prophet and becomes the cause of violence in the Society. In such Society, there is no respect of law and humanity – cruelty is common. All people, especially ladies and children remain always in vulnerable in the society where injustice and poverty prevail. In unjust society, the faultless people are punished by way of might and right on the other hand the criminals are free from the hand of the law. The law has become feeble by way of might and wealth as well as nepotism. Undue favoritism is a curse for the society as the society cannot be flourished if undue favoritism exists. It is established fact that a country where injustice and poverty prevail long lasting, is eliminated from the map of the world. Injustice brings the following major drawbacks in a Society: -

a) Wealth is accumulated in a few hands of the society that create deeply economy unevenness and disabilities. Moreover, in the long run killings, lootings and criminal activities have become common in the society.
b) The country becomes so weak resultantly, the foreign invaders attack as and when they wish.
c) Institutions become weak and individuals turn out to be powerful, consequently value is given to individuals instead of institutions and law.
d) Dishonestly is witnessed prevailing in the society and hands of honest people are tied up.
e) The Society has come in the position of stagnant and deviation is begun in all walks of life – social values are neglected, on the other hand social devalues are adopted.
f) The Society becomes revengeful due to non-compliance of the orders of the court. Further, on account of lack of justice and poverty, people take the law into their hands by way of killing the robbers on the spot.
g) The lack of injustice adversely affects the health of individuals as they are unable to meet their health requirements. It also violates the fundamental rights of human beings.
h) All know that justice forms the foundation of a civilized society, if there is no justice in the society, then laws are treated prejudicially leads to conflicts.
i) Injustice and poverty in the long run fetch blood revolution and civil unrest also bring Racism, Fascism, Nepotism and Pessimism.
j) Injustice brings selfishness, corruption, cruelty and brutality.

Education: At the outset we must have to know the meaning and sense of Education before highlighting the Society so we could recognize whether the education can counter the terror activities or not. It helps to understand the society and gives understanding to address the adversaries of the society. Education is the awareness about the Lord of Universe, awareness of His Heavenly Books, awareness of His creatures and above all awareness how the mortal life is led so that true success is getting in immortal life so that we could not be ashamed in the DoomsDay before Allah – the Lord of the Universe. Further, it is the process of learning through Heavenly and Worldly Books and by following its disciplines, works for the welfare of mankind and other creatures could be carried out. Someone says that it is a self-enlightening activity as it gives knowledge, builds character, leads to career progression, helps national progression and closes prison of ignorance. Education is a basic tool to mitigate extremism activities because a considerable reason for the rise in violent extremism in the society is lack of Education. Comprehension is a God-gifted blessing and it can be refurbished by way of Education and Guidance. It must be understood that civilization is an integral part of education, if there is no Education there is no civilization. Education is known for mental, physical and moral training, if in a Society there is not mental, physical and moral training, criminal activities are on the increasing trend, resultantly the physical, moral and mental tributes are destructed by leading to extremism. Lack of Education leads human beings to the unrighteous path and pull them towards the valleys of darkness on account of this, they become helpful for the rise in violent extremism in the Society. An educationist saying is that “the purpose of education is not to provide a treasure of information, but its aim is to grow the abilities of mankind”. It is established fact that education is the source of strength and growth of human thinking, resultantly uneducated society brings extremist activities in the Society. Lack of Education brings ignorance of God and His Messengers as well as His guidance and instructions, ignorance of Heavenly Books, ignorance of value of Service and value of justice that leads mankind to darkness. Lack of Education makes man Slave of his desires and wishes – he becomes unable to think positively and rationally owing to that he turns out to be a curse for the Society. Due to lack of Education, one is unable to have learning and comprehension about the moral life by way of immortal values and tributes. The real success in both worlds can only be achieved by way of clearheaded and believe in un-seen facts through faith and weight because the main purpose of education is to recognize God of the Universe, believe in Him and believe in Doomsday as well as follow to His teachings. Lack of Education implies lack of essence on account of this, the service-oriented approaches are disappeared instead selfishness is penetrated in them that leads to extremism and crimes. Lack of Education also implies lack of SWOT. The knowledge of SWOT i.e. Strength Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats play an important role in forming the society and boosting up the skill and tranquility - without knowledge of SWOT economy and social progress cannot be achieved. Also, Education helps to its seekers to adopt sobriety so that they should remain far from violent extremism in order to create an enabling environment in the society. It leads human beings to the virtuous route having pulled them out of the deviation ways of darkness. It is witnessed that in the Society, where the literacy rate is more than 90% crimes are much less and reported only off and on.

Besides the above social aspects and features the following technology-based aspect must be fulfilled in countering extremism and terrorism.

1) Invisible security measures and gears: Security is carried out in such a way that no evidently no security is witnessed, but security is existed and invisible. Internet, social media such as Facebook, YouTube etc. and other digital communication channels must be monitored round the clock through updated technology gears.

2) Drones: Drones and other unmanned vehicles must be used to eliminate the terrorists in their hideouts. In this way intelligence information plays an important role as if the information is wrong the drone attack is not useful at all.

3) Walk-through Gates: Entrance into the sensitive place must be cordoned off with Walk-through Gates

4) Biometric Scanners: Biometric Scanners must be installed at borders and airport as well as seaport checkpoints so that inflows and outflows of people must be monitored and the culprits could be arrested on the spot.

5) Facial Recognition Software: The Facial Recognition Software must be used in all over the world to countering extremism and terrorism. In order to achieve the goal, the poor countries must be given funds to install the updated security gears in all their checkpoints.

6) Premature detonation of explosives: Remedial Steps must be taken to know earlier about the detonation of explosive so that casualties and other damages must be controlled.

7) Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: It is two impressive aspects in countering extremism and terrorism. Further new ideologies and ideas must be spread in all over the world to reduce the extremist activities. Governments all over the world must make significant investment in technologies in order to intelligence gathering, surveillance and data analysis.

If the above technology measures and non-technology measures are adopted in countering extremism and terrorism, the terrorist activities must be reduced and in the long run the world will be free of terrorists. The world knows that progress in expertise and with the invention of drones, unmanned jets, face-reading software and biometric scanners, the terrorist plans and plots are now being spotted and the world now in a position to stop the tricks of terrorists. With the use of these gears and tears a large number of terrorists have been killed in all over the world. Capital punishment must be restored in all over the world so that the neck of all terrorists must be cut off.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 121735 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More