Life of a Bibliophile

(Tasleem Nizamani, Tando jam)

"there's no loyal friend as a book"Earnest hamingway

A Bibliophile is a person who are fond of book ,who want to live in the book world,who want to make it a loyal friend in a lone face of their life.
A Bibliophile always want to live away from bitter realities of this world wants to live in his Bookish world where they share their laughter and sorrow with imaginative characters.
That's the thing about books they let you travel without moving your feet.You can travel any corner of world by sitting in your comfort.A Bibliophile can lives thousand lives with their own life .They can be at seashore or at same time they can be on mountain hills. they can observe many problem they Try to solve problems with protagonist . Sometimes they laugh with protagonist or sometimes they become gloomy ,share sorrow with protagonist and they hate with antagonist. They try to being like a protagonist in reality .A bibliophile just want a gorgeous library instead of wealth and money.
"A house without library is just like a body without soul"
A book reader know how precious library are . it's like a time machine where you put yourselves and you have gone decades of past or decades of future.
different genre's give different aspects veiw of life . Fiction give you a mental bliss, a relaxation by live with protagonist and forgot about our real crisis.poetry give you aesthetic pleasure make you inner satisfied. Word's are powerful words know how to motivate words know how to heal your soul ,words know how to be satisfied you ,All the words portrayed by writer with their unique style. This isn't only magic of book this is magic by writer in the form of books. writer choose words perfectly that can create a huge world of imagination in reader mind .
Tasleem Nizamani
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