Addiction of Notes

(Syeda Khair-ul-Bariyah, Lahore)

Once upon a time, far far away, there lived a teacher who was very dedicated and enthusiastic about his profession. He spent days and nights making high quality notes for his students. The interesting part was that he loved his notes. Students craved to get notes from the teacher and kept asking him. As soon as the teacher thought of giving his notes, he took them to his chest and said: "Ah! These are my notes." And told the students he is still working on them. The students finally started making their own notes. Generation after generation, the students kept admiring the notes in their mind and heart...the notes they never had a glimpse of.

Fate of the renowned teacher met death by the will of Allah Almighty. He kept a will written in drawer that in case he dies his notes should be kept on his chest at the time of his burial. His family didn't see his will and took his funeral to graveyard. As the family was returning after burying him they heard a scream:"Where are my notes?" They saw the teacher who teared open the grave with spreaded mud around. He, in his shroud, started running out of the graveyard. There were screams all around. Men, women and kids were running on the streets out of fright. There was a stampede for the quick escape. The dead teacher in his shroud madly ran towards his house. As he entered the gate of the house, people ran away making horrific noise. Even the widow forgot that she was widow of the same person and escaped. It seemed to be a doomsday.

The dead teacher entered his room, opened his closet, collected all of his notes and ran back towards the graveyard. Many people fainted on witnessing the situation and some went in coma. It was enough of the fear for them to handle. The dead teacher entered the graveyard, laid down in his grave keeping his notes on his chest and ultimately died in real. Courageous people slowly walked towards his grave and observed for an hour if he was really dead. When he never moved he was re-buried finally. The tombstone of the grave said


Students of the late teacher came from far off areas to place flowers on his grave. It was more out of love for the notes they never saw than out of love for the teacher. They wept on his grave saying: "Teacher you were great, but, teacher your notes...."
And then they could never control their tears.

Moral of the story is:

Some teachers really love their notes so much that they never share them. Spread knowledge before it becomes only pain.
Syeda Khair-ul-Bariyah
About the Author: Syeda Khair-ul-Bariyah Read More Articles by Syeda Khair-ul-Bariyah: 25 Articles with 44126 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.