(naughtyshakil, pesh)

Once an American scientist made a machine which can catch thieves’ .He displayed it in America first. The machine caught 50 thieves in one hour then he displayed it in other countries .The machine was very successful and becomes famous in few days. After demonstrating its ability in different countries the inventor brought it to Pakistan. The next day they found the machine missing. The machine was stolen.

We thought that it is a joke. But it was not a joke it is a real story. Some years back we heard that an institute in England is checking fake degree awarding institutes in England .It displayed list of fake institutes. We have HEC in Pakistan which did the same thing .Now we can have list of degree awarding institutes from its website.

After 2008 election the higher courts and government tried to find MLA's with fake degrees or degrees from unregistered institutes. This task was given to HEC (the machine) which started its work promptly but in Pakistan it was difficult to catch culprits. So the machine was stolen

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