(samia iftikhar, lahore)

MAn is considered to be the "culmination of all creations" but it is an irony,,,,, {man is the most eminent of created things by our GOD, In other words, he is supreme among all creation. Despite of all these qualities. The biologists of modern times bring forth their own theory that man is a social animal expounded on the thoughts of Aristotle in 347 B.C.Darwan of England even went further, formulated the theory of Evolution and related the human beings with apes and monkeys. WE don't believe in Darwan's theory but sorrowfully see some human beings turned into beasts by replacing the motility of humanity. Such a creature is so doubt at the lowest level that follow bestial instinct.

WOLF is a blood thirsty and its thirst from its unfortunate prey. IF we see in this perspective, we find several human wolves that did not reframe the whole generation of human being torn into pieces ,,Jenghiz khan,Hulago,Mussolini, Hitler,Breznev and Bush and now Obama can rightly be turned as blood thirsty beasts..

AT present Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine and Pakistan are at the mercy of pack of wolves unluckily, they claim to be standard bearu of modern civilization, while the fact is that, they crueify the innocent natives and claim victory over their dead bodies........

samia iftikhar
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