Sectarian Killings And Double Standards

(Manzoor Hussain, Karachi.)

This article refers to the event of 19th September, 2011 happened in Mastung, Balouchistan. Innocent people including woman and children were killed. The cruel terrorists have no pity on any one and they killed about 30 people by lining them up in a row. News agencies reported that 3 more people were attacked on the way and killed. Later on, those 3 were found to be the relatives of those killed earlier. What is happening? At last what was their fault? Islam is the religion of peace and doesn’t allow any innocent killing. Then what is the religion of these terrorists? So called Muslims? After a meanwhile, so called banned organization Lashkar-e-Jhangvi accepts the responsibility and big names avoid to regretting the event. Why? Islam came to us through Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and those assassinated at Mastung were devotees of Holy Prophet and His Family. They go to Iran, Iraq and Sham to visit holy shrines and to pay tribute to those who gave sacrifices and saved Islam.

Islam, where on one side gives the lesson of peace and harmony, also gives the lesson of being honest, straight forward, objective and unbiased on the other side. I am today very concerned and disappointed over the role of media, journalists, judiciary, vocals, and off course government. It’s very shameful that so called objective and unbiased media is not showing their sympathies with assassinated in the same intensity as they deserve. According to some friends, some private sources confirmed the event first and media channels reported later. Unfortunately, very few talk shows focused on this grave issue. Next morning, the newspapers were not in conformity while depicting the news. As, some called the innocent assassinated, “the martyrs” and most termed them as “killed ones”. People of Pakistan understand very well the role of each party in the situation and here it’s not mere attention on the words of newspapers etc. but, each one should keep in mind that, “Actions speak louder than words”. This could not be oversight or mishap instead this is pure double standard.

If media’s role is like in this case so how can it claim to work for the development of country? Electronic media is not the only party to display such hypocrisy but same is true for so called unbiased writers, journalists, judiciary, vocals, spoke persons and those who claim to be faithful to Pakistan. For God sake stop sectarian killings and double standards….

Manzoor Hussain
About the Author: Manzoor Hussain Read More Articles by Manzoor Hussain: 19 Articles with 14589 views An auditor cum journalist type professional student... View More