Human Trafficking

(Sufian Naveed, Gujranwala)

Human trafficking is a serious human rights violation and affects millions of people worldwide. It involves the use of people through coercion, fraud or coercion for a variety of purposes, including forced labor, sexual violence and forced labor. Despite the world's efforts to combat this crime, human trafficking remains a serious and difficult problem.
Human trafficking can be divided into many types, including labor, child, organ trafficking, and others. They can use many factors such as financial, social, political and emotional.

While unstable economic conditions often lead people to fall into poverty due to the inability to work, businessmen also see the promise of a better life in the economy. The weakness of the rule of law, conflicts, violence and natural disasters have displaced countless people and left them vulnerable to displaced businesses and smugglers. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said there were 68.5 million displaced people worldwide in 2018, and that number is increasing by one person every three seconds.

Another factor is lack of access to quality education. Without support from information and education, people will not be able to learn about the inheritance from businessmen or will not be able to access it better and experience it more safely and will fall into the hands of these criminals. On the contrary, these actions have an incredible impact on their victims and cause serious consequences. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security explains: “When traffickers prey on victims, victims have a sense of power, visibility, and dignity is often blurred.” Even after they emerge uninjured, their lives continue. They are exposed to malnutrition and sexual abuse for long periods of time.
There is also a high risk of infection, disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. There is often no appropriate treatment to allow these conditions to spread and worsen, affecting a person's health .On an economic level, this situation leads to the loss of people who cannot receive education and achieve good results. This is a serious crime that robs them of their dignity and the freedom they deserve. Entrepreneurs can quickly become isolated from their friends, family, and the rest of society. We make them targets of human trafficking again

Human trafficking is an inherently complex and broad problem that requires effective resolution by governments, international organizations and civil society. By understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and promoting comprehensive measures to prevent human trafficking, we can work towards a world free of abuse and exploitation.

Sufian Naveed
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