10 Essential Deeds for the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

(Ammar, Lahore)

The rewards of every good deed multiply during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, which Muslims know is among the most blessed months of the Islamic calendar. If you want to please Allah Almighty, you should gear up with the essential deeds for the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

You perform many good deeds during these days for countless rewards and blessings. Hajj is the most significant act of worship that Muslims perform in the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah in the order of Allah Almighty. If you can afford Hajj, it is time to book Hajj deals. But if you can’t travel to the pilgrimage sites for Hajj, you can still get countless rewards and blessings through good deeds.

10 Highly Rewarding Deeds for the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Dhikr lets you keep your heart, mind, and tongue busy in the remembrance of Allah Almighty. It is the most straightforward, most convenient act of worship. Countless powerful Dhikrs are light on the tongue but heavy on the good deeds. You can spend maximum time reciting these Dhikrs during the blessed days.
Try to recite these Dhikrs as much as possible during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.
Tahmeed: Al-hamdu Lillah
Tahleel: Laa ilaha ill-Allah
Tasbeeh: Subhaan-Allah

Fasting is a gratifying act of worship. You will surely get great rewards for fasting during the blessed days when Allah has promised to multiply the rewards of every good deed. The significance of fasting during these days is explained when we learn about the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW), who used to fast during the first nine days of Dhul Hijjah.

Recite the Quran
Allah Almighty rewarded the Holy Quran to Muslims. It guides us in every part of life and provides great rewards and blessings for Muslims. You might be surprised to know that reciting one letter of this book rewards you for ten good deeds. Imagine reading a whole surah or a few Surahs during these blessed days when the rewards of all the good deeds have already been doubled.

Pray Tahajjud and Other Additional Prayers
Those who seek more rewards, especially from the additional prayers, must start in these ten days. So, take time to pray the Sunnah and Nafl prayers as well. If you want to multiply the rewards of your Fardh and add additional prayers, you can pray with your family and friends.

Perform Charity/ Give Sadaqah
Allah blesses those who help His servants immensely. To please the Almighty, you can give charity to the needy people around you by serving His men. This will enable you to get forgiveness for many of your sins, as the Almighty promised. Sadaqah is a simple yet powerful good deed that blesses you.

Repent on Your Sins
All human beings sin, but Allah loves those who ask for forgiveness. You should always keep reciting Astaghfar. We commit countless sins, knowingly and unknowingly. So, be ready to repent of all your sins during these blessed days. Allah Almighty will surely listen to your repentance and give you rewards for it.

Strengthen Bonds With Your Loved Ones
Islam encourages you to build strong relationships with your relatives and friends. You must never neglect your loved ones. Remember your loved ones in your acts of worship and try to spend time with them. If you have fought with any of your relatives or friends, it is the perfect time to mend and strengthen your relationship. May Allah be pleased with you!

Let Go of Your Bad Habits
Everyone has some bad habits, big or small, that might be adding to their sins. It is vital to keep making efforts to minimize your sins and get better for the sake of the Almighty. You can commit to letting go of these bad habits as a good deed during these ten days.

Pray Eid Salah
Muslims start every Eid with the Eid Salah. As Eid ul Adha is celebrated on the tenth of Dhul Hijjah, you must start this day with your Eid prayer. There are vast gatherings of Eid prayers in all parts of the world. There are great rewards to praying this Salah with your Muslim brothers and sisters. Women should take part in this sacred gathering. The Prophet (SAW) never missed out on any Eid prayers during his life. So, follow his Sunnah and get immense blessings and rewards.

Performing Qurbani
Eid ul Adha is the Eid of sacrifice. Like every Hajj ritual, Qurbani commemorates the ultimate sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim (SAW). If you can afford an animal, you must also participate in this sacrifice.

Final Words
Contact an Islamic travel agency if you want to perform Hajj. Those who cannot perform this pilgrimage can indulge in numerous other essential deeds for the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, yielding countless rewards and blessings.

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