Where God exists in the Universe?

(Muhammad Rafique Etesame, Ahmedpureast)

This is the burning question among the people that where God exists in the universe? And the people in this regard are of two categories, first of all, are the atheists who say that God does not exist at all. And second category is of those who believe in God in principle, but they often question about His existence in the universe? The holy Quran revealS” (1) HALLOWED be He in whose hand all dominion rests, since He has the power to will anything: Al-
(2) Mulk (Dominion) 67:1
(3) Dost thou not know that God's is the dominion over the heavens and the earth? He chastises whom He wills, and He forgives whom He wills: for God has the power to will anything. Al-Ma'idah (The
Table Spread) 5:40”
These verses are the authentic proof of the existence of God in the universe. Now the question is: Why does He is invisible? Because the holy Quran reveals,” (4) No human vision can encompass Him, whereas He encompasses all human vision: for He alone is unfathomable, all-aware Al-An'am (The
Cattle) 6:103”
God is the one, however some people believe in One, and some believe in Two, and some believe in Three (the Christians who believe in Three Gods ( the Trity,) etc.
The question is: What is the authentic proof that God is only One?
The holy Quran reveals,” Say: He is Allah, the One! ﴾1﴿ Allah, the eternally Besought of all! ﴾2﴿ He
begetteth not nor was begotten. ﴾3﴿ And there is none comparable unto Him. ﴾4﴿ Now the question
Where does He exist really?So, the holy Quran reveals,” the Most Gracious, established on the throne of His almightiness? Ta-Ha
20:5This is unanimous belief that Allah Almighty is free from all the attributes of human being and relating to
the creatures like being a body, Quantity, dimension, condition and weight etc. The holy Qur’an reveals, “there is nothing like unto Him, and He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing” (42:11).
So, it does not mean that Allah Almighty established on His Throne of grace like the worldly kings sit on their throne but ‘istwa alal arsh’ means according to the majority of ulama that Allah Almighty took His power, command and control over his kingdom. The holy Qur’an reveals,” The decision is for Allah only.
He tells the truth and He is the Best of Deciders”. (Al-An'am 6:57).
Now, the question is: where Allah Almighty exists really in the universe, whether He is in the holy ka’ba, in any masques, or in any other holy place etc.?
So, Allah Almighty exists in the hearts of the believers in such a way that when a believer worships Allah, then he should imagine that he is standing before Allah Almighty and sees Him. As a hadith reveals that
when the holy Prophet PBUH was asked about ‘ehsan,’ he replied, “It is that you should serve Allah as though you could see Him, for though you cannot see Him yet He sees you”. Allah Almighty is very closet human being it does not mean that Allah Almighty Himself, exists in everywhere. But it means that His knowledge is deep in everything as the holy Qur’an reveals,”
We are nearer to him (mankind) than his jugular vein” (Qaf 50:16).
So the faithful believer should remove all the irrelative thought from his mind at the time of worship.
And in case if his attention goes towards his business, his domestic affairs or to any elsewhere, i.e to any god or goddess and
he believes that they also fulfil his needs or solve his difficulties, then it means that although he is standing before Allah, but yet he is worshipping to them ( gods) and not to Allah Almighty, or he wanders hither and thither i.e. into his
home or into his business or he sells his goats and horses, if he is a trader of them etc.
A faithful believer’s heart is like a mirror, and if it is cleaned from disbelief, polytheism and innovation etc., then it reflects the light of the Truth and finds the righteous way.
So, it is necessary that when a believer is about to offer worship, then he should offer it with the presence of heart, so that he should meet Allah Almighty and get His unlimited mercy.

Muhammad Rafique Etesame
About the Author: Muhammad Rafique Etesame Read More Articles by Muhammad Rafique Etesame: 202 Articles with 332428 views
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