Realities about mankind cannot be hidden at all but will be exposed

(Muhammad Rafique Etesame, Ahmedpureast)

In this article, it has been mentioned that the realities and the secrets of mankind that, to them he wants to hide from the people, cannot be hidden and will be put on view at last.
For example, if anyone is something else inwardly and something outwardly, then what he is being hidden inwardly, remains visible, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, his movements, mannerisms and speech; and the style of movement points out his inner gossip and the viewers understand that there is something fishy that is being

hidden. Similarly, if in case someone has unlawful sexual relationship with other and they want to hide them, but when they come in front of each other, the way they talk and look at each other immediately shows that there is something between these two that is being hidden.

In the same way, murder can never be hidden. The murderer is taken into the grip of law at last.

It is rare that the killer cannot be identified.Also, the human face tells a lot. The inner state of affairs a person, goes visible on his face because the

Eyes of a man are the windows, of the soul.
All these facts about man can never be hidden and remain visible.
Allah Almighty has been appointed over every man, two angels “kiraman katebeen” to write his
good or bad actions whatever he does in twenty-four hours. The holy Qur’an makes mentions, “And yet, verily, there are ever-watchful forces over you, noble, recording, aware of whatever you do!” (Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) 82:12).
And when this book of deed will be given to mankind, at the Day of Judgment then he will become
shocked to see it and will say, "Oh, woe unto us! What a record is this! It leaves out nothing, be it small or great, but takes everything into account!" For they will find all that they ever wrought [now] facing them, and [will know that] thy Sustainer does not wrong anyone” (Al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:49 ).

At that Day, everything will be clear before man and he will never be able to hide anything and will be taken into account due to his wrong actions.
For example, if he wronged to someone, or suppressed his rights or did injustice and no one would listen
the cries of affected people and they did not get justice.

Therefore, the Day of Reckoning will be set up to do justice to the oppressed ones.

The holy Qur’an makes mentions, “And so, he who shall have done an atom's weight of good, shall
behold it; and he who shall have done an atom's weight of evil, shall behold it. (The Earthquake 99:8)
The commentators say that all the details of every one's deeds be it good or bad will be in front of him,
and what the Almighty will do with them, will also be seen by open eyes.
So, those who think that they will be set free in spite of their wrongdoing, and by suppressing other's rights, are in a state of delusion, because the time will come for their reckoning. All the facts that they are hiding in this world from the people, will be exposed to view.

Muhammad Rafique Etesame
About the Author: Muhammad Rafique Etesame Read More Articles by Muhammad Rafique Etesame: 202 Articles with 332440 views
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