Targeted rape cases

(Farheen Naz Tariq, Chakwal)


Murders, target killings, rape cases are increasing day by day all over the world, recently reported a brtual case of rape and murder in Mumbai India. A lady doctor in her own hospital during her duty time badly tortured, raped and murdered. The culprit is said to be arrested while postmortem reports are clearly mentioned that it was a gang rape. And we can say that everyone is trying to save a bigger crime behind this rape case. Also it is crystal clear that such brutality is not only the result of lust of a single person or more. There are bigger sharks in the tank.
Moreover this is just a single incident.
Our country Pakistan has reported dozens of such cases everyday. Every minute there are happening such crimes somewhere in the world. Some of them were said to telecast live on dark webs.

We are unaware and unprepared:

Don't know what the reasons are. More often such criminals declare psychopaths. Some are sadistic , some are cold blooded criminals. The reasons are infinte. But we can't completely deny the fact that such criminals are psychopaths. How come, without any solid reason a normal healthy mind would do such inhuman act. I am not ing crimes as calling them psychopaths. I am just pointing out a single reason. I just want to propose a little solution to figure out such minds and taking some steps to know what is cooking in these minds.

How to be prepared:

I am just offering an idea that along with educational and physical training in schools there should be proper counseling of children. We should calculate there mental health and mental capacity as we collect blood samples and blood groups of students. Its just a proposal to may be reduce some crime rate.


By collecting this data we can timely response as well as cure some unhealthy minds and turn them into useful persons of society. I know its not enough to prevent crimes, but it will surely reduce crime rate in society.

Farheen Naz Tariq
About the Author: Farheen Naz Tariq Read More Articles by Farheen Naz Tariq: 32 Articles with 35968 views My work is my intro. .. View More