Termite-Infested Courts at Qamar Zaman Squash Complex Hamper Player Progress

(Musarrat Ullah Jan, Peshawar)

Peshawar's Qamar Zaman Squash Complex, once a beacon for aspiring squash players in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, now stands as a grim testament to neglect and mismanagement. The facility was inaugurated in 2011 with the objective of being a state-of-the-art facility for nurturing talent. However, the two primary courts that are under the grip of termite infestation have not only compromised the integrity of the facility but also stunted the progress of the players dependent on it.
The termite-infested courts pose a grave safety threat. The wooden floors, infested with termites, have become loose and unstable, and every step taken is a risk for injury. Still, 100 players, including promising young athletes and women, are compelled to use these courts every day. Coaches and players alike express frustration over the deteriorating conditions.
“Training on these courts is practically ineffective,” says one coach. “Newcomers are struggling to develop their skills, and even six hours of dedicated practice yields minimal results.” This sentiment is echoed by players, who feel cheated by being asked to pay practice fees for substandard facilities. A young female player lamented, “We’re paying for a service that isn’t being provided. The courts are a safety hazard.”
The Provincial Sports Directorate, which runs the complex, has been criticized for appearing to be unmoved by the situation. While a new squash complex with three more courts was built in 2020, the old, termite-infested courts continue to be used intensively. Many players are mysteriously sent to the older courts, further straining their fragile infrastructure.
Making things worse, the players-number estimated at about 150 to 200 daily-do need courts for their practice, overloading and stressing out this aging facility. Thus, the burden further accelerates damage and deters skills among players.
The situation has caused great frustration among players and coaches, who are now calling for immediate intervention from the authorities concerned, including the Provincial Sports Directorate and the Minister for Sports. Their demands are very clear: the termite infestation must be addressed, the courts must be repaired or replaced, and players' safety must be ensured.
Ignoring this issue puts not only the physical fitness of the participants at risk but also may mean losing future champions from the region. For decades, squash has been a symbol of pride for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and in this regard, legends like Qamar Zaman have inspired generations. Allowing this neglect to be there while working against the legacy of the sport and the aspirations of those who dream of representing Pakistan on the world stage makes little sense.
The termite-infested courts at the Qamar Zaman Squash Complex are the most glaring examples of neglect that can cause hindrance in the progression of sport and athletes. Immediate measures are needed to restore these courts, get rid of the safety hazards, and produce an environment which will give way to proper training and growth. It is the turn of the authorities now to ensure that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa players can train with dignity and safety again in a facility that rewards their dedication and passion towards the game.
#QamarZamanSquashComplex #TermiteInfestation #SportsNeglect #SquashInKPK #AthleteSafety #KhyberPakhtunkhwa #SaveOurSports #SportsInfrastructure #YouthDevelopment #FemaleAthletes #KPKSportsDirectorate #PeshawarSquash #MusarratUllahJan  #Kikxnow
Musarrat Ullah Jan
About the Author: Musarrat Ullah Jan Read More Articles by Musarrat Ullah Jan: 664 Articles with 539140 views 47 year old working journalist from peshawar , first SAARC scholar of kp , attached with National & international media. as photojournalist , writer ,.. View More