ALLAH Part -2

(پیرآف اوگالی شریف, Khushab)

He is Allah; there is no Allah but He...."[59:22] Allah is unique in terms of true Being. No other being can be said to exist 'of itself'. In fact, "Everything perishes except His Presence (Face)" [28:88]. It is probable that the name Allah occurs to indicate the Absolute in the same way that proper nouns denote particular things. Everything that can be said, however, in respect of the origin of the word is from the human point of view, that is, relative and arbitrary. As Allah breathed His Spirit on the human form it can aspire to actualize Allah's Qualities but the possibility of this occurring is limited and relative to our own natural disposition -- which Allah gave us -- and the extent of our directing our motivations and perceptions towards this goal. However, gaining knowledge of Allah's Most Beautiful Names and assuming them as noble or praiseworthy character traits whatever possible makes us in no way comparable to Allah's likeness. The Qur'an clearly states, "Naught is as His likeness" [16:74] nor should one consider that sharing in every quality means a likeness. Likeness is defined as sharing in a specific thing and in essence. A horse and a human being may both be swift but their likeness ends here. The meaning of the name Allah is so specific that it is inconceivable that there could be any sharing of the Name whether it be metaphorically or literally. In view of this, the rest of the Names are described as being the Names of Allâh and are defined in relation to Allâh. One may say that the Patient, the Compeller, and the Sovereign are among the Names of Allah but one cannot say that Allah is one of the Names of the Patient, the Compeller, the Sovereign. This is because the Name Allah, is more indicative of the true nature of the meaning of divinity and is, therefore, more specific. As a result, one dispenses with trying to define it by something else whereas the other Names are defined in relationship to the Name Allah. As the Qur'an says, "Do you know of any other that can be named with His Name?" [19:65] On Remembering Allah Allah the All-mighty has said "Therefore remember me. I will remember you. be grateful to Me and never show me ingratitude".And He said: "Oh you who believe, remember Allah time and again."And He said; "And the men and women who remember Allah frequently, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward."And He said: "And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful."The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not remember his Lord are like the living and the dead."And he RasulAllah (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "shall i not tell you about the best of your works, the purest of your possesions, your most elevated station, the thing that is better for you than spending your gold and silver in the way of Allah, and better for you than meeting your enimies and slaying them and being slain?" "Oh yes" they said. He RasulAllah saws said "Rememberance of Almighty Allah."And He RasulAllah (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "Almighty Allah says, I am with my slave when he thinks of Me and I am with him when he mentions Me. For if he mentions Me to himself, I have mentioned him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in a gathering , I have mentioned him in a superior gathering. If he approaches Me by a hands width, I approach him by and arms length; and if he approaches Me with and arms length, I approach him by a miles length. And if he comes to Me walking, I hasten to him swiftly."Abdullah bin Busr related that a man asked the Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) , "Oh Prophet saws, there are so many ways that we are permitted to worship Allah. Please give me a simple thing that i can do." The Prophet saws said "let your tongue always be moist with the rememberance of Allah."And he said: "Whoever reads one letter from the book of Allah, will receive one Hasana, and one Hasana comes with ten like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter. Indeed Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter."Uqbah bin Amir (radiAllahu anhu) said: "Whoever sits and does not mention the name of Allah before he rises will find it a cause of sorrow. whoever lies down to sleep and does not mention the name of Allah before rising will find it a cause of sorrow.£And the Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "Whoever sits in an assembly of people who do not mention the name of Allah in their gathering, and who do not ask Allah for his blessings on their Prophet, will find it a cause of sorrow. And if He Allah wishes He will forgive them."And he (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "No people may rise from an assembly in which they have failed to mention the name of Allah, without it being as if they were getting off a dead donkeys rotting back, and it would be a cause of affliction for them Love Of Allah Ta'ala Imam ibn ul-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said:"The reasons which cause the mahabbah (love of Allah) to develop are ten: Reciting the Qur'an, reflecting upon it and understanding its meanings; Drawing closer to Allah through the performance of optional deeds, after fulfilling the obligatory deeds; Being continuous in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah - in all circumstances - with the tongue, the heart and the limbs. The more constant the dhikr, the more mahabbah intensifies; Giving precedence to what Allah loves - when being overcome with desires - over what one personally loves and desires; Causing the heart to contemplate over the Names and Attributes of Allah. Being a witness to what they necessitate and causing the heart to be enlightened in the garden of this realization; Witnessing the blessings and the favors of Allah - the apparent and the hidden; Subduing the heart and humbling it before Allah, causing it to be in awe of Him; Being in seclusion during the time in which Allah descends to the lowest Heaven - reciting the Qur'an and finishing this recitation with seeking Allah's forgiveness and sincerely repenting to Him; Sitting in the gatherings of the sincere and true lovers of Allah - reaping the benefits of their teachings and not speaking except when you know there is benefit in doing so and that such speech will increase you in good and benefit others as well; Keeping clear from all those matters which will cause the heart to distance itself from Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. So these are ten matters which cause the lover to reach the station of true love for Allah, so that he may then reach Allah, his Beloved. Contemplating the Asma al Husna #fullpost{display:none;} How to use the 99 Names of Allah in al Qur'anThere are the 99 Names or Attributes of Allah, that are working in every human being at all times. We are not aware of this. All our bodies are working with these Attributes.For example, there is the al-Basir attribute of Allah. Now how does that work? It works with your sight. Allah has given that to you.There is the Sami' attribute. How does that work? It works with your hearing. Allah has given these attributes to the human being and the human body is working with them. As we do Tafakkur, contemplative meditation, of these attributes working inside the body, we can see how they work. That's why Tafakkur carries so much importance. As a person does Taffakur, he gains strength from the Dhikr, Divine Remembrance. His 'ishq, his Divine Love, increases and he begins to feel a nearness to Allah. That's why in the Quran the word "Tafakkur" is mentioned often. The Taffakur of every Asma' causes an opening inside of a person.Tafakkur is practiced like this: through thinking you place the Asma into your brain and then you're not to speak at all and you're to try to listen to yourself. That Asma' will work on its own accord there. You can do this when you're going down the road, when you're lying down. You can do this at any time. No one will be aware of this. Only you will know, and it will make you feel more at ease.As you do the Tafakkur, the Asma will bring about certain changes in you. What's it going to do? Whatever is lacking in you may be opened with that Asma' . Every Asma has been given to humanity for goodness and beauty. That's why Allah says in the Quran-i Karim that these are the Asma al-husna, the Most Beautiful Names. He says, "Bear witness to all things created in the 'alam al-ghayb, (the unseen world)." There are many things in this 'alam al-ghayb that we cannot see. Have faith and you will see. This Âyah (Quranic verse) has come solely as testimony to this. These are working in every human being. So if a person can make Tafakkur work within himself together with these Asma, then he will be able to hear both the sound of beauty and goodness inside himself, and he will also be able to hear the sounds of the beauty and goodness that Allah has created outside. The Attributes of Allah Ta'ala "He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is Gracious, the Merciful.He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the Bestower of Security, the Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted. Holy is Allah far above that which they associate with Him.He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most Beautiful Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty the Wise.[59: 23-25]Allah is the proper name of God, however He has many other names (and attributes) which He can be called. These attributes describe how Allah manifests Himself to us. God's attributes are innumerable since human intellect cannot possibly comprehend every aspect of the Supreme Being. It is not possible to perfectly translate the names and attributes of Allah from their original Arabic into English. However, here are some fairly close explanations. AllahADH-DHaahir Qur'aan [57:3] Al-3aalim Qur'aan [6:73] Al-3aDHeem Qur'aan [2:255] Al-3afuww Qur'aan [4:43] Al-3aleem Qur'aan [2:32] Al-3aliy Qur'aan [2:255] Al-3azeez Qur'aan [2:129] Al-7aafiDH Qur'aan [12:64] Al-7afeeDH Qur'aan [11:57] Al-7afiy Qur'aan [19:47] Al-7akeem Qur'aan [2:32] Al-7aleem Qur'aan [2:225] Al-7ameed Qur'aan [14:1] Al-7aq Qur'aan [10:32] Al-7aseeb Qur'aan [4:6] -7ayy Qur'aan [2:255] Al-a3laa Qur'aan [87:1] Al-a7ad Qur'aan [112:1] Al-aakhir Qur'aan [57:3] Al-akram Qur'aan [96:3] Al-awwal Qur'aan [57:3] Al-baari' Qur'aan [59:24] Al-baaTin Qur'aan [57:3] Al-barr Qur'aan [52:28] Al-baSeer Qur'aan [17:1] Al-fattaa7 Qur'aan [34:26] Al-ghaffaar Qur'aan [38:66] Al-ghafuur Qur'aan [10:107] Al-ghaniy Qur'aan [6:133] Al-ilaah Qur'aan [2:133] Al-jabbaar Qur'aan [59:23] Al-kabeer Qur'aan [13:9] Al-kareem Qur'aan [82:6] Al-khaaliq Qur'aan [59:24] Al-khabeer Qur'aan [6:18] Al-khallaaq Qur'aan [15:86] ASMÂ ALLÂH UL HUSNÂ (NAMES OF GOD) #fullpost{display:none;} A collection of the Ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names of Allah, in English, with a brief explaination of each one.1. ALLAH- Allah.(1:1)(3:18)(5:109)(7:180)(8:40) (16:91)(20:8)(57:5)(65:3)(74:56) (85:20)(98:5) 2. AR-RAHMAN - The Beneficent.He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing disparity.(1:3)(17:110)(19:58)(21:112) (27:30)(36:52)(50:33)(55:1)(59:22) (78:38)3. AR-RAHIM - The Merciful.He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use these gifts as Allah has said, and is merciful to the believers in the hereafter.(2:163)(3:31)(4:100)(5:3)(5:98) (11:41)(12:53)(12:64)(26:9)(30:5) (36:58)4. AL-MALIK - The Sovereign Lord.He who is the absolute king of the entire universe.(20:114)(23:116)(59:23)(62:1)(114:2)5. AL-QUDDUS - The Holy.He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, is free from incapability and from any kind of defect.(59:23) (62:1)6. AS-SALAM - The Source of Peace.He who frees his servants from all danger and obstruction. He who gives His greeting to those fortunate people in heaven.(59:23)7. AL-MUMIN - The Guardian of Faith.He who places faith in the heart of His servants, protects those who seek refuge in Him, and gives tranquillity.(59:23)8. AL-MUHAYMIN - The Protector.He who watches over and protects all things.(59:23)9. AL-AZIZ - The Mighty.The Unconquerable.(3:6) (4:158) (9:40) (9:71) (48:7) (59:23) (61:1)10. AL-JABBAR - The Compeller.He who repairs all broken things, who completes that which is incomplete, and who has the ability, with force, to make people do whatever He wants.(59:23)11. AL-MUTAKABBIR - The Majestic.He who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways.(59:23)12. AL-KHALIQ - The Creator.He who creates everything from nothing and creates all things with the knowledge of what will happen to them.(6:102) (13:16) (39:62)(40:62)(59:24)13. AL-BARI - The Evolver.He who creates all things in proportion.(59:24)14. AL-MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner.He who designs all things.(59:24)15. AL-GHAFFAR - The Forgiver.He who is all-forgiving.(20:82)(38:66)(39:5)(40:42)(71:10)16. AL-QAHHAR - The Subduer.He who is victorious and dominant in a way that He can do anything He wills.(13:16)(14:48)(38:65)(39:4)(40:16)17. AL-WAHHAB - The Bestower.He who donates all blessings to His creatures.(3:8)(38:9)(38:35)18. AR-RAZZAQ - The Provider.He who provides all things beneficial to His creatures.(51:58)19. AL-FATTAH - The Opener.He who opens the solution to all problems, and eliminates obstacles.(34:26)20. AL-ALIM - The All-Knowing.He who is all knowing.(2:158)(3:92)(4:35)(24:41)(33:40) (35:38)(57:6)21. AL-QABID - The Constrictor.He who constricts.(2: 245)22. AL-BASIT - The Expander.He who is the expander.(2:245)23. AL-KHAFID - The Abaser.He who diminishes or decreases.24. AL-RAFI - The Exalter.He who uplifts.25. AL-MUIZZ - The Honorer.He who makes one glorious, gives dignity, and treats one with respect.(3:26)26. AL-MUZILL - The Dishonorer.He who lowers and puts one in abasement and degradation.(3:26)27. AS-SAMI - The All-Hearing.He who hears everything.(2:127) (2:137) (2:256) (8:17) (49:1)28. AL-BASIR - The All-Seeing.He who sees everything.(4:58) (17:1) (42:11) (42:27) (57:4) (67:19)29. AL-HAKAM - The Judge.He who judges and provides what is due.(22:69)30. AL-ADL - The Just.The just one.(6:115)31. AL-LATIF - The Subtle One.He who knows the delicate meanings of everything. He who creates things most subtly, which cannot be understood by people, and He who gives blessings to people in the most subtleways.(6:103) (22:63) (31:16) (33:34) (67:14)33. AL-KHABIR - The Aware.He who has knowledge of the most secret parts of everything, and knows their inner meanings.(6:18) (17:30) (49:13) (59:18) (63:11)33. AL-HALIM - The Forbearing One.He who is clement.(2:225) (2:235) (17:44) (22:59) (35:41)34. AL-AZIM - The Great One.He who is magnificent.(2:255) (42:4) (56:96)35. AL-GHAFUR - The All-Forgiving.He who forgives all.(2:173) (8:69) (16:110) (41:32) (60:7)36. ASH-SHAKUR - The Appreciative.He who is grateful and gives rewards for deeds done for Him.(35:30) (35:34) (42:23) (64:17)37. AL-ALIYY - The Most High.He who is most high.(2:255) (4:34) (31:30) (42:4) (42:51)38. AL-KABIR - The Most Great.He who is most great.(13:9) (22:62) (31:30) (34:23) (40:12)39. AL-HAFIZ - The Preserver.He who preserves all things in detail, and for a time preserves them from misfortune and calamity.(11:57) (34:21) (42:6)40. AL-MUQIT - The Maintainer.He who sustains.(4:85)41. AL-HASIB - The Reckoner.He who knows in detail the account of things people do throughout their lives.(4:6) (4:86) (33:39)42. AL-JALIL - The Sublime One.He who has wealth, dominion and holiness.43. AL-KARIM - The Generous One.He who is generous.(27:40) (82:6)44. AR-RAQIB - The Watchful.He who observes all creatures, and every action is under His control.(4:1) (5:117)45. AL-MUJIB - The Responsive.The One who responds to every need.(11:61)46. AL-WASI - The All-Embracing.He who has limitless capacity and abundance.(2:115) (2:261) (2:268) (3:73) (5:54)47. AL-HAKIM - The Wise.He who has wisdom in all orders and actions.(2:129) (2:260) (31:27) (46:2) (57:1) (66:2)48. AL-WADUD - The Loving.He who loves those who do good and bestows on them His compassion. He who is the only one who should be loved and whose friendship is to be earned.(11:90) (85:14)49. AL-MAJID - The Most Glorious One.He who is most glorious.(11:73)50. AL-BAITH - The Resurrector.He who gives life to all creatures on the judgment day.(22:7)51. ASH-SHAHID - The Witness.He who is present everywhere and observes all things.(4:79)(4:166)(22:17)(41:53)(48:28)52. AL-HAQQ - The Truth.He whose existence has no change.(6:62)(22:6)(23:116)(24:25)(31:30)53. AL-WAKIL - The Trustee.He who provides a means to solve all problems in the best way.(3:173) (4:171) (28:28) (33:3) (73:9)54. AL-QAWI - The Most Strong.(22:40)(22:74)(42:19)(57:25)(58:21)55. AL-MATIN - The Firm One.(51:58)56. AL-WALI - The Protecting Friend.He who is the Friend of His righteous servants.(3:68) (4:45) (7:196) (42:28) (45:19)57. AL-HAMID - The Praiseworthy.He who is the only one to be praised and glorified and thanked by all creatures.(14:1) (14:8) (31:12) (31:26) (41:42)58. AL-MUHSI - The Reckoner.He who knows the number of all things although they cannot be counted, and knows each of them.59. AL-MUBDI - The Originator.He who has created for the first time all beings from nothing and without any model.(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)60. AL-MU'ID - The Restorer.He who restores all beings.(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)61. AL-MUHYI - The Giver of Life.He who gives life and health.(3:156) (7:158) (15:23)(30:50)(57:2)62. AL-MUMIT - The Creator of Death.He who creates death.(3:156) (7:158) (15:23) (57:2)63. AL-HAYY - The Alive.He is all-knowing and His strength is sufficient for everything.(2:255)(3:2)(20:111)(25:58)(40:65)64. AL-QAYYUM - The Self-Subsisting.He who holds the entire universe.(2:255) (3:2) (20:111)65. AL-WAJID - The Finder.He who finds whatever He wants in the time He desires.(38:44)66. AL-MAJID - The Noble.He whose highness is great, who is beneficent, and His munificence is rich.67. AL-WAHID - The Unique.He who is One in His actions, His Names, who has no partner or equal in His attributes, personality and orders.(2:163) (5:73) (9:31) (18:110) (37:4)68. AS-SAMAD - The Eternal.He who is the only being to apply to if one has any need to be competed or any troubles to be eliminated.(112:2)69. AL-QADIR - The Able.He who is able to do anything in the way He wills.(6:65) (36:81) (46:33) (75:40) (86:8)70. AL-MUQTADIR - The Powerful.He who is more powerful than any being.(18:45) (54:42) (54:55)71. AL-MUQADDIM - The Expediter.72. AL-MUAKHKHIR - The Delayer.He who delays whatever He wants.(71:4)73. AL-AWWAL - The First.(57:3)74. AL-AKHIR - The Last.(57:3)75. AZ-ZAHIR - The Manifest.(57:3)76. AL-BATIN - The Hidden.(57:3)77. AL-WALI - The Governor.He who directs, manages, conducts, governs, measures, plans every action which happens at any moment in the entire universe.78. AL-MUTA'ALI - The Most Exalted.He who is higher than any action, manner or condition, and any thought that any being may have. This Name indicates that Allah is higher than the most evolved thought of man.(13:9)79. AL-BARR - The Source of All Goodness.He who is tolerant to His servants, to all creatures, and is good to them.(52:28)80. AT-TAWWAB - The Acceptor of Repentance.(2:37) (2:128) (4:64) (49:12) (110:3)81. AL-MUNTAQIM - The Avenger.He who punishes wrongdoers.(32:22) (43:41) (44:16)82. AL-AFUW - The Pardoner.He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin.(4:99) (4:149) (22:60)83. AR-RAUF - The Compassionate.He who is benign.(2:143) (3:30) (9:117) (57:9) (59:10)84. MALIK-UL-MULK - The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty.(3:26)85. DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM - The Lord of Majesty and Honour.(55:27) (55:78)86. AL-MUQSIT - The Equitable.He who does His work accordingly and in a balanced way.87. AL-JAMI - The Gatherer.He who collects things, gathers them, anywhere He wants, at any time.(3:9)88. AL-GHANI - The Self-Sufficient.(2:263) (3:97) (39:7) (47:38) (57:24)89. AL-MUGHNI - The Enricher.(9:28)90. AL-MANI - The Preventer.91. AD-DARR - The Distresser.He who creates that which makes one despondent.92. AN-NAFI - The Propitious.He who creates all things which provide goodness and benefit.93. AN-NUR - The Light.He who provides divine light to the entire universe; to the faces, minds and hearts of His servants.(24:35)94. AL-HADI - The Guide.He who guides, gives success and directs His servant to do things beneficial to others.(25:31)95. AL-BADI - The Incomparable.He who creates wonders in the universe without any design.(2:117) (6:101)96. AL-BAQI - The Everlasting.(55:27)97. AL-WARITH - The Supreme Inheritor.He who has everlasting ownership of all things. Finite man only has temporary ownership and at death all creatures have nothing.(15:23)98. AR-RASHID - The Guide to the Right Path.He who is the guide, with wisdom, to the right path according to His eternal plan.99. AS-SABUR - The Patient.

پیرآف اوگالی شریف
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