Urdu as a National Language

(Haseen Madani, Karachi)

Urdu is a Natural Language for Pakistanis and Indians, it does not matter if Indians have adopted a different scripture for it (Dao Nagri) which we understand as Hindi writing. Actually Urdu was going very well throughout the sub-continent, but due to some political and theory of Divide and rule BBC started a BBC Hindi service The language used in that program was even perhaps only five to ten percent of the population was able to understand that typical Hindi or Sanskrit, until now it has already been very much improved. But still the common man in India speaks Urdu and claims that he is speaking Hindi. Hindi movies have promoted the spoken Urdu language internationally. It does not matter if Indians claim this as Hindi, the Language is getting its natural status. More over Urdu is very popular in India on public level mostly in half upper India from Jhar Khand to down Hyderabad. There they have improved the language and also they are enjoying the Urdu literary status (Writing books, novels, fictions and Mushairas etc.) Many of Hindu population takes interest in Urdu poetry and literature.

In Pakistan the natural requirement for the student to understand the typical Scientific and Technical education. In the initial classes to get mastery in English is impossible for the students, and this is the reason we are not producing Technical and Scientific experts. National Book Foundation has provided the best services for translating English books in Urdu, mostly the technical books and it helped students at Panjab and voluntarily in other provinces by the interested students to have better understanding in their own language. Private sector also promoted in their own business interest they have printed lot of books (technical and business books in Urdu) ie Hamdard books etc.

On the part of establishment their performance in respect of promotion of Urdu is very bad. Because of inferiority complex the elite class adopted English unnaturally, they have spent more money and more time on their offspring’s and even then they are not able to speak English with mastery and also they have lost the chance of spoken Urdu understanding.

Some people blaming translators that they have been using typical words for translating in Urdu like the thermometer they are saying Meqyasul Hararat, this is the reflection of complex as Urdu is the Lashkary lanuage it has maximum influence of Persian , Arabic and Turkish but thy want to add Europe in the Lashkar and Moulana Hali has tried his best to adopt many of common English words in Urdu. writings. Please do not feel shy in the translating, if some do not like Meqyasul Hararat , they will also not like if the Piston will be translated as “phisal ghusna” or the slip rings as “Phisalwan challa”.

They feel shy because they are not used to, but no matter the books translated by Nationa Book Foundation has already used common trminologies in English and very soon it will be accepted as Urdu word. Let me tell you that “Cover” is not the English word it is basically Arabic word, so it does not matter the languages take loans and even payback with profit.

If some one thinks that Urdu is a dieing language it is not true, but if this will not be adopted in Pakistan as National Language this will be painful and a loss to the society in term of ease and uplift in the field of Science and Technology. Our progress is already slow in this region due to the matter not available in Urdu.

We have many of our Politics they are not able to read Urdu, even some of the celebrities are also unable to read Urdu scripture and the dialog given to them are always written in Roman scripture.

Both classes are not interested in patriotic thinking they are money makers so they do not need the reading of Urdu scripture.

Media personals are also interested in money making so they do not bother if their pronunciation is incorrect.

We never thought as Nation and most of the population is trying to be Western in all respect which they think a progressive thinking. Actually to become a great Nation we should have an understanding of the structure of the Nations. Mostly the Nations have their own language own religion, and their own culture accordingly, to create a mix plate is not the way to progress and prosperity.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 91057 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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