Regularize your Gas Generators

(Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

Regularize Your Gas Generator.? To avoid Penalties.

If you see your Gas Bill of Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. On the back side of the Bill in the bottom You will see the above subjected heading, with three points.also.
1-Installation of gas generators without SSGC'S
2-Regularizing gas generators will improve gas pressure and billing accuracy.
3-SSGC teams are conducting surprise surveys and are authorized to disconnect unauthorized gas generator connections, and penalize.

In my beloved country the strategy. of the Govt. Officials and the Bureaucrats of the Govt. institutions is to harass the public and they have decided no to give any ease to the Public. The Electricity crises is created by the Govt. for which they have lot of reason unreasonably. The main theme of this behavior to collapse Pakistan and to punish the Public of loving this country. They have no sense that without the Electric Supply they are making people unemployed, Markets have lost their business. Actually they have complete sense and very happy that every thing is going on according to their plan. The powerful making lot of money and they do not want public to ease their breath. In prove of this, it is very clear to all that Railway, Steel Mill, P.I.A and many others are spoiled according to the plan. It has never happened suddenly.

Gas company's working was very good and their Billing and service was also good. To save us ruin of Electricity public tried on the basis of self help their own generators, now it is noted by the Gas Company and they have started trouble for the public.

What is the idea behind this action? From the beginning of the Gas Installations they have permitted the Gas light point for lighting purpose and Geysers. Thousands of geysers are wasting gas in their pilots and the Gas lights if used will also waist lot of Gas while the Generator of two KVA spends gas quantity less that a Gas light point.

Gas Generators are saving the Gas instead of using in Gas lights, because the generator gives the light to completed house and to light the complete house by Gas light points it will be needed at least more than one and possibly ten or more Gas lights to illuminate the complete house. Obviously it seems that the idea of regularizing is just to harass the public and to make more money while the business is already collapsed and the economic condition of the public is becoming bad to worst.

By the second point they want to give a lolly pop to the public, and by the point no.3 they are showing their power while such type of laws must have been taken approval by the Parliament in the assembly and the matter should be discussed between the members with all of the pro and cons. But these bureaucrats are thinking what so ever they will think it will be honored as law. On the other hand they never give any value to the supreme courts order. This behavior is also to create unrest in the Public and they will come on the roads and demonstrate, every day these problems can start anarchy and chaos and all this according to their plan.

Where to go and to whom should complain, every one is requesting the Chief justice to take suo motu action but do we see any result on the previous Suo Motu actions.

Now a days Memo is a hot topic, what has written in the memo all the streams of corruption and bad governance proving the real theme.

May Allah bless we all and get-rid of this lawlessness.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 92868 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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