The War Has Already Started

(Amroz, Islamabad)

The hype created by India over Mumbai attacks has triggered a new wave of tension between arch rivals. Stereo type blame game by Indians supported by the Western countries has put Pakistan under immense pressure. Much is being talked about as whether or not there will be a war and how devastating it would be if it breaks out? But to me, the cunning Indians have already launched a war through media a long time ago which will have perilous effects and most of us are not really aware of it. The Indians have launched a devastating cultural invasion through their notorious satellite channels and movies. The worst of all the parts is the introduction of Indian Dish TV apparatus being openly sold in Pakistan which only broadcasts Indian channels, which are favorite amongst all of us especially womenfolk. What a pity! We are a poor nation, we beg money from IMF to evade bankruptcy, yet we have enough funds to purchase filthy Indian culture at cost of wretched future of our coming generations. How absurd it is! We are showing torch to our glorious culture with our own hands and the worst is, we are paying for our devastation to our enemy who will utilize this money to purchase weapons, jet fighters and tanks which he plans to use against us in near future. How can we being a sane nation contribute towards a malicious propaganda of our enemy which is set to destroy the very fabric of our society? What are we doing? Where are we heading to? What is the responsibility of the govt? have we gone morally so low that we don’t have the courage to say NO to Indian culture and boycott their movies and all the cultural arsenal their using against us? What will be our identity in near future? Will our children call themselves as Pakistani or Indian? If they will be uncertain about it, it would mean that India has won the war without even firing a single bullet. Wakeup O proud Pakistani nation! Forget about the conventional war, our armed forces are professional enough to beat back any Indian misadventure, Start worrying about a more deadly war which has already started.

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