Wonderful inventions of Science - Positive and Negative use

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

The nature has endowed a human being such intelligence that has not granted to any other creature. Therefore man with his wise and intellectual has got such achievements and made such striking invention that astonishes the mind.

Man has made many countless inventions from which all races of human beings are getting benefits and the succession of advantage will continue as long as the world exists. For example electricity, Wheel, Cycle, Motor Cycle, Motor Car, Mobile Phone, aero plane, agricultural, medical gears and other instruments etc. By virtue of these inventions man not only has rid of multiple difficulties but also his life has become simple and easy.

Because of all the inventions made by man are vehement important and they are used in routine life yet some inventions have revolutionized the lives of human beings and they are the discoveries by which man captured the distances i.e. Aero-planes, Radio, Television as well as computer and internet. By virtue of aero-planes the travel of months passes by a few hours. Through internet and television we get news of thousands miles away at our homes. Before commonly used of television the Radio was the most important means for getting news and information. However the news and information was without pictures so the users and inventors felt thirst / dissatisfaction and they made on struggle to invent such device in which not only voice is heard but also moving-telling pictures are witnessed on the screen or monitor. Therefore soon man invented Television that of course was an important invention of the age. However upon the invention of Television man was not confined to that invention and continuous remained in search of certain new invention and due to his kind of struggle and work brought in the way of computer and Internet invention.

Computer and internet is of course the most wonderful and amazing discovery via we not only get information from all over the world but also we can connect with the people of the world through internet.

It is a bright and positive aspect of the use of the discoveries but there is a negative and dark feature of the use of inventions which is causing in increasing the rate of crimes along with dissolution of morality for example through mobile phones the robbers and thieves have been facilitated in spotting their targets, The internet is being used for chatting. Boys and girls are happy being fooled to each other. Some people get search relations through Internet and some do flirt. The lives of many girls have been disgraced by wrong use of Internet. However in this happening there is no fault of Internet but the responsible lies upon those people who misuse and abuse the inventions which have been made to facilitate and ease the human beings. The positive and negative use is depended upon man. Any scientific invention is beneficial only at that time till it is used in positive and righteous way because all human beings’ interest lies in the positive way. The negative use of any invention is disaster owing to this the negative doer not only gets ruin and deteriorate himself but also the whole society and now the negative and un-lawful deeds of any renowned person affect the whole world as the world has become a global village. Therefore we should vigorous struggle to prevent the negative use of the present age discoveries particularly negative use of computer and Internet as well as other dangerous weapons and ensure their positive use for which they have been invented.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 121809 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More