Funny Statements About Duel Citizenship Ammendment

(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi (original from Larkana))

Yesterday while watching current affairs on TV channels , I seen some statements of Choudhry Nisar, eader of opposition and some others who gave their opinion about duel citizenship amendment just to be put in Parliament saying 'GIVE RIGHT TO PAKISTANIS OVERSEAS KEEPING DUEL CITIZENSHIP OF ANY OTHER COUNTRY CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO HOLD ANY POST9 INCLUDING MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT) IN PAKISTAN BCAZ IN SUCH CASE SOMETIMES EVEN MANSOORT AIJAZ ALSO CAN BE PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN." It really were FUNNY STATEMENTS as they ( including Ch. Nisar) are not aware as what is a difference between a citizenship and a Nationality. A national of Pakistan may be Prime Minister ( and hold any other post) but only a Citizen of Pakistan ( national of any other country) can not held these posts specially Member of Parliament etc. Just for them I am giving here as what is a difference between a citizenship and a Nationality. It is as under:-

Actually, there are three (and perhaps more), namely, Nationality, Citizenship and Residence.
Nationality usually describes the country where you were born.

Citizenship is a legal matter, that you have been registered with the government of a country as having rights as a full citizen in that country. For most people, that is the country where they are born and continue to live, but if a person moves to another country, citizenship may be obtained in the new country, by applying to the government.

Residence is the place where you have a permanent residence, where you spend most of your time during a year.

So a person who is born in England, moves to Canada as a child and applies to Canada for citizenship, then spends time in France as a teacher, for example, could have English nationality, Canadian citizenship and French residence"

And for their kinowledge , Mansoor Aijaz is not a National of Pakistan (even not a citizen of Pakistan) as he is only a National of USA as was borned in Tallahassee, Florida and grew up on a farm in rural Virginia of USA and is thus a National of USA only so how it's possible that a USA National can be Prime Minister of Pakistan or and member of Parliament? I am really very amazing ( u can say sad) as our Leader of Opposition is is not a talented one who has such a knowledge.

Other thing, our so many Pakistanis ( I mean National Pakistani) keeping duel citizenship oif other coutries ( specially western countries ) are holding a post of Parliament there and even some of them are /were Mister there and one Saeeda Warsi even is/ was a resident of Ruling party in UK then are we Muslims ( or say Pakistanis are so conservative to stop our oversees Pakistanis holding duel citizenship from being a member of Parliament member in their own country Pakistan?


Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 746603 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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