Intelligent or Stupid?

(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi (original from Larkana))

We always think in a straitforward manner, which is called as linear thinking. Checking true or false at each step and moving forward to the next step based upon the result.

We often deduce, form opinions based upon this linear logic.

Engineer : Intelligent
Doctor : Intelligent
IIT : oh very intelligent
uneducated : foolish

If all the engineers are so intelligent then why do we depend on other countries for technology ?

We always wonder, how a person like laloo became a chief minister of a state and now could not believe that he is playing a key role in indian politics.

We came to that conclusion because laloo is uneducated, can't speak proper english.

Some people never think about these things and some people always do. The latter are called "intelligensia".

After a lot of thinking the intelligensia simply shrugs off these thoughts and proceed to their work.

The question to ask yourself is... whether we are thinking in the correct direction?

We have a biased opinion that only an education and fluency is a sign of intelligence...

When fodder scam hit laloo... everyone thought the end of laloo has finally arrived, then laloo made Rabri the chief minister of bihar, many cried foul ... till now nothing has happened to him.. and now he is our railway minister. Now does this prove that laloo is very very intelligent?

Also, most of us think that if a person shows intelligence in one area, then he "must be" considered as intelligent in any activity he performs.


You are a bright accountant and you can give a blazing fast answers about the Financial condition of your company, stock market... but at home you'll struggle with configuring your remote control or your latest digital camera.

Are you stupid or intelligent?

Our president is a scientist, which means he is very competent and intelligent in science. Does it automatically mean that he has enough Intelligence to rule this country?

Our PM has lots of degrees , certificates , awards from various reputed institutions of the world.. which automatically makes him a highly intelligent individual..... so what intellgence did you see in his rule? still criminals are allowed to participate in elections, You didn't see any dramatic development in the country.. in fact the congress govt is slowly crushing the IT infrastructe of the country (Bangalore and Hyd are losing many new software company setups to cennai).

Some people are considered as "Born Intelligent" .... If you are born to an intelligent person, then people start thinking that you are automatically a genius.

If you are working for a big software company ... then you are automatically intelligent.

If you are working in USA.... then you are automatically intelligent and also sophisticated.

If you are a son of a famous surgeon then you are automatically a good doctor.

If you are a son of a famous cricket player then automatically you are a good player.

So, how do the intelligent person feels about these things?

The Dual Burden

People who are marked as intelligent have two burdens

1. They always have to live upto the expectations of others
2. They believe they should always do intelligent stuff, so they'll be severely depressed when they try to do new things which initially decreases their competence and confidence. So they'll never try new stuff , new thoughts, new directions.

People who are considered stupid have more advantages.....

They can fail (and nobodys surprised), learn from their mistakes, Try something new, get into new directions, find new things.

Thats why Many "normal" people , have achieved great things in their life.

Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 752810 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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