Allama IQBAL R.A.

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

Allama Muhammad Iqbal (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938) was a poet, philosopher, reformer and a politician born in Sialkot, British India (now in Pakistan). He wrote his major poetic works in Urdu, Persian and Arabic. In addition we find his writings in German and English as well. His poetry is considered to be among the greatest of the modern era.

His vision of an independent state for the Muslims of British India was to inspire the creation of Pakistan. He was a strong proponent of the political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilisation across the world. He is known as Muffakir-e-Pakistan ("The Thinker of Pakistan"), Shair-e-Mashriq ("The Poet of the East"), and Hakeem-ul-Ummat ("The Sage of Ummah"). He is officially recognized as the "National Poet" in Pakistan.

I have never considered myself as a poet…. I am no longer interested in the art of poetry. But yes, I have some special objectives. To express them in line with the spirit of our current condition and traditions I have adopted the medium of poetic expression otherwise

Iqbal_verse – ALLAMA IQBAL

Every great movement has a philosopher and Iqbal was the philosopher of the National Renaissance of Muslim India. He in his works has left an exhaustive and most valuable legacy behind him and a message not only for the Musalmans but for all other nations of the world.

Iqbal was a poet who inspired Muslims with the spirit and determination to restore to Islam its former glory and although he is no more with us, his memory will grow younger and younger with the progress and development of Muslim India.

His works should therefore, be read and digested by every Musalman to create solidarity, and we should all try to organise the Muslims throughout India economically, educationall, socially and politically.

-Muhammad Ali Jinnah

A Short Biography of Allama Iqbal

A brief article that lists the events in the life of Allama Iqbal. From his early education to his political endeavours, and his emergence as the poet of the East.

A Brief Introduction to the Works of Iqbal

The books and publications by Allama Iqbal and their relation to the events and conditions of the people of the sub-continent.

Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

This is a series of lectures in the form of a book delivered by Allama Iqbal in 1930. It re-examines the intellectual foundations of Islamic philosophy. It quotes directly from Quran, explaining in an enlightened perspective, reforming our thought in line with Islamic principles in Iqbal’s mystical yet simplistic manner. A marvel of a text, that is layered with wisdom, spirituality fusing with modern and contemporary knowledge, inviting the reader to a world of thought reformation.

Presidential Address to All-India Muslim League

Allama Iqbal delivers this address in 1930 at Allahbad to the 25th Session of All-India Muslim League, that even today strikes it readers for the inspiring political message, that still serves as a socio-political guideline for the Muslims. The issues of Muslims in light of the policies of the British as colonial rulers is discussed. The need for a Muslim unity and call to strengthening ones faith is emphasised in eloquence that is convincing and mesmerising.

Islam as an Ethical and a Political Ideal

One of the earliest lectures of Allama Iqbal delivered in April 1908 at Lahore. Islam as an ethical ideal is discussed with respect to other religions, and the Muslims of the sub-continent. Also talked about is the Islamic political ideal that brings about a peaceful society, equality and the role of democracy in this society.

Letters from Allama Iqbal to Quaid-e-Azam

Complete text of letters written by Allama Iqbal to Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. A chershed piece of writings from our history that we can regard as the part of the Pakistan Movement.

Shikwa and Jawab e Shikwa

Shikwah – The Complaint (1909) and Jawab e Shikwah – The Response to the Complaint (1913) are considered one of the master pieces of Allama Iqbal. The sad state and decadence of the Muslims touched the heart of Iqbal. In grievance Allama Iqbal wrote these two master pieces, that remain a message and an inspiration till today’s time. Shikwah means complaint, where Iqbal complains to the Lord Almighty regarding the deplorable state of the Muslims. Jawab e Shikwah is a response to this Shikwah, where Allama Iqbal in his poetic expression replies as to what God might have replied.


Taranae e Milli translated as Anthem of the community is a piece of poetic art as well as an ideological text for all Muslims. This anthem disregards nationalism and emphasises on the unity of the Muslims nation, with Prophet Muhammad (saws) as the leader. Click above to see Urdu text and English translation.

Satan’s Advisory Council: Iblees Ki Majlis e Shoora

Allama Iqbal emulates the council of Iblees – The Satan. Iblees is sitting with his advisors, who are reporting to him from around the world. Scheming and plotting as to how to put the children of Adam astray and make mischief on Earth. The advisors present their problem and threats to their work, Iblees answers to them. Read the Urdu text and English Translation

Talu e Islam – The Rise of Islam

Talu e Islam meaning the Rise of Islam is the last of the poems in Iqbal’s book Bang e Dara. The earlier poems tend to portray the sorry state of Muslims. These verses of Talu e Islam give a message of hope and the eminent re-awakening of the Muslim world. The coming of a renaissance.

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 357152 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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