ALLAH said about gustaak-e-Rasool (pbuh), in Quraan Majeed.

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

ALLAH already said in Quraan about all those Gustakh-Rasool (pbuh) in Separa 29, number 79 Surah Al-muzammal, from ayaat 9 to 19 clearly mentioning their fate as follows:-

9. You have the task of a universal revolution before you, which is to establish the authority of the Almighty. This is to be done after doing away with all other powers so that a human being does not have to be subservient to or be ruled by anyone else except the Divine Laws. For this purpose keep moving ahead with full confidence in the Divine Laws. The system will cross the boundaries of Arabia, spread out from east to west, reach the Persian and the Roman empires and ultimately become universal.

10. Do not be depressed by what your opponents say about you. Ignore them and remain firm and steadfast on your programme. Do not get involved with them. Save yourself by gracefully withdrawing from these people who are not prepared to even listen to you (5:13; 15:85).

11. All those people who are intoxicated by their wealth, belie Our Laws. Leave them to Our Law of Mukafat; and give them a little respite. Our Law will take care of these capitalists.

12. For them We have prepared fetters and handcuffs, which will put a stop to their wickedness and arrogance.

13. And food will get stuck in their throats and choke them; a grievous painful torment. (Such will be the end of the capitalistic system, whereby their wealth becomes a punishment for them. What they have acquired by exploiting others chokes them to death. The destruction is built into the system itself.)

14. On that Day, all these great leaders and their followers shall tremble (before your power and strength). And the leaders who at present look like mountains will become like sand dunes, slipping away on their own.

15. O Rasool! Tell them, "As has been shown to you, neither is the purpose for which I have been sent new, nor is the outcome of those who oppose. The earlier messengers also had such a revolutionary message and those who opposed them met a similar fate. Amongst them was the revolution brought by Moses; and Pharaoh’s end is known to all of you. We have sent you to these people, O Rasool, so that you may supervise them and see what they do.

16. The Pharaoh rebelled against the Divine Laws as presented by Our messenger (Moses). Our Law of Mukafat seized him (Pharaoh) with such a severe grip that he could not get out of it.

17. Tell them that when (such a powerful and strong ruler like) Pharaoh could not escape Our grip after disobeying Our Laws, how can they get away? The doom and destruction will be so severe that it would instantly age their children. (Normally childhood goes through adulthood before the start of physical decline. But this revolution will instantly bring about the downfall of the wrong system. It will never flourish.)

18. The severity will be such that it will make the skies burst. This destruction is unavoidable; and it is bound to come.

19. What We are saying is a historic fact and a clear reminder containing many lessons. Whoever wants to can learn a lesson from it and adopt a course that will lead him straight to the Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat ordained by your Rabb.


H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 385040 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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