Twisted Minds

(Muhammad Umair Hassan, Lahore)

Take a look around you, how many happy, satisfied , calm, faces do you see? One or two out of a dozen. Where is their happiness? Where is their calmness? Where is their satisfaction? Are they acting to be like this? No, the world, society has turned them like this. Turned them into someone they are not, someone for which they didn’t wish to be like, someone for which they were not meant to be born.

Observe! You will find each and every person in stress or some state of depression, even when they laugh just look in their eyes and you will find something disturbing ,something depressing.

The youngsters who have no financial burden, no family responsibilities, their bodies ,faces, gestures tell that they are stressed out, exhausted and dissatisfied from their lives. Young age and age of fantasy, an age to be creative, constructive, happy, imaginative, where is this young mind? Why isn’t it happy? Why isn’t it satisfied? The answer is lack of socialization, weak family relations and personal dissatisfaction and it would not be wrong to name it “young social trauma”.

Man is a social animal, he needs to socialize , he needs to share, and when he is not able to do so he gets frustrated , whatever is going inside him he just can’t take it out because there is no one to listen to him. The youngsters of today don’t have the confidence to share their problems with their parents ,the reason being that parents have not given them enough confidence or have not developed such a relation with them that they come up and share their problems or feelings with them. On the other end the young mind of today thinks that it’s of no use sharing their things with elders as they are not updated , they have old thinking and concepts.

Allah Almighty created relations for a purpose. He could have given us birth without a mother or father, nothing is impossible for Him. Then why did He create the relations? Relation of a mother, father, brother, daughter, husband, wife, think about it!

When a youngster or a person doesn’t find anyone to talk to, he searches for a person with whom he can talk, share, who can give him time. This is a point to ponder, a disaster for our society, because when they make relations out of the family they don’t know whether the person is good or bad with whom they are interacting. The stranger can easily bluff them and can capture their mind as they are in need of that stranger. The relations being formed nowadays are the result of this depression and frustration of young mind. They are ethically and morally and religiously wrong and our humiliating the ethics of our society specially in the case of a girl and boy relationship.

Young generation is walking on a dark road, they are indulged in acts like hanging out late in the night both boys and girls, smoking, drinking, sexual acts are increasing rapidly. It is extremly dangerous for young girls who don’t get attention, time, importance at home. When they form relations outside the family they get into trouble and humiliate not only themselves but also their families by doing wrong acts.

Another reason for a stressed young mind is that they do not have a specific aim in life. They don’t know what to do? How to do? What is best for them? They can’t even decide that what they should study. What is their strength? They are personally confused in setting their goals and aims of life.

The following quotation puts light on this issue:

“It is easy for a youngster to go wrong from hastiness and lack of light” ( Robert Fitzgerald)

The following poem explains the confused young mind:

I stand in an open square
With no time left to spare,
Four ways ahead of me
Not knowing which is the best for me,
Millions of people passed by
Some said Hi,some forever said bye,
I kept frozen there
Thinking that will i end up anywhere?

Another reason for rising frustration in the minds of youth is their materialistic approach. There is a lust for the riches of this world and they don’t think about the life Hereafter. Young generation has a weak relation with the religion so they don’t have spiritual satisfaction as well.

It is a time that we wake up. We should do something, to save our next generation, to save our country and to save our future, which is our “young generation”. They are the leaders of tomorrow, if they will be crushed financially, morally and socially then don't think and dream of a bright future. It is them who will be building the country in the next coming years but with the present conditions, they will not be able to handle themselves. How can they rule and manage a country which is full of crisis?

Its time for the society and for the youth to gather themselves up. Lift themselves from this social and dramatic fall. And they must start appreciating what life has given them. Stop complaining about life all the time. Admire and value what you have, look at small things which lifehas given you which you don’t even notice and care about.

Summing up in the words of Richard Nixon:

“ nothing matters more to the future of the nation than insuring that our young men and women learn to believe in themselves and believe in their dreams, and that they develop this capacity—that you develop this capacity, so that you keep it all of your lives”.

Muhammad Umair Hassan
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