Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them

(Masooma Sabzwari, lahore)

I recently had the experience of teaching in an Educators branch in johar town, Lahore. The school looked promising as career in teaching. Once I started working in the school I saw the ugly face of Education mafia making money in the name of English Medium schools. Moreover, parents are not parents these days. They help in making the mafia grow. Mothers, Who nowadays are very qualified just come to boss around in school and in the evenings send their kids to tuitions. Parents are destroying their own children by handing them over to such schools and not letting their own child thinking capacity or intelligence to nurture. Teachers are exploited. Worst than a labour or massi working at our homes. The most shocking fact that I came across was the massi of the school who is paid more than many teachers. 5000/- Rs or 8000/- Rs. is a shame in the name of the occupation. Government teachers nowadays are paid well but private teachers are paid less than 200 rupees a day. I met teachers who were working for more than 5 years and being paid only 7000/- Rs. Sadly, a Master degree is worthless in such institution's. I was even expected to stay late hours to do things which are not in a teachers job. Well, the teachers are willing to do that so they are exploited. I was later fired by the principal on demanding glue stick to glue worksheets on students copies. The teachers are given plastics pouches of furniture glue which they are supposed to use with fingertips. I was not even paid for the month. who all can go sue such an institution. Atleast, not a teacher earning 5000/- Rs. There are many better private institutions but a Teacher has lost respect. Private institution means business and business means money only. Students are customers and directors are the money makers. the role of the teacher is lost somewhere between. Businessmen will always focus on the CRM (customer relationship management). Education is still a sad affair in the Pakistan of today.

Masooma Sabzwari
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