Purity of the Heart

(sadaf shakoor, faisalabad)

Details Category: Dimensions of Light
The Shaykh said:

I will convey one point today of the gesture of Allah, Lord of the worlds: tubu ilallah (turn to Allah i.e. in repentance). Being pure and clean, turn your focus towards your Lord. Nothing is purer than Allah; He is the Creator of purity. For that person who has become pure, in the manner by which body, clothing and face are cleansed and the head, feet and hands are cleansed, it is twice more important that the heart, thoughts and soul are also made clean.

By way of water, clothing is cleansed;
By way of water, being (wujud) is cleansed;
By way of water, the body is cleansed;
By way of water, garments are cleansed.

By way of water, conversation is not made clean;
By way of water, hopes are not made clean;
By way of water, one’s quest is not made clean;
By way of water, thoughts are not cleansed;
By way of water, the soul (ruh) is not cleansed;
By way of water, the heart is not cleansed.

“Li kulli shayy’in saqaalatun..." For all things, Allah, Exalted is He, has provided things, ways and means of cleansing it. He says: if you are hungry, eat bread. If you are thirsty, drink water. If your body is unclean, use water, if your clothing is unclean, use water. If your heart is unclean, use My Name.

The more the servant does the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah, the more his heart becomes pure. And as the heart becomes pure, impure thoughts start to leave, for it is impossible that the inner be impure whilst the surface is pure – this is not possible. Until the inner is pure, the external will not be pure.

It is known that if clothing is unclean, there is no loss, if the body is unclean, there is no loss; if bedding is unclean, there is no loss – but if the heart is unclean, all is lost. Unclean clothing may be okay but an unclean heart is not.

Cleanse the clothing (i.e. the heart) through tawba (repentance). Repent. Turn towards Allah; repentance is for Allah, to go towards Allah, to leave yourself and go towards your Lord. Which repentance? Tawbatan nusuuha – such repentance that you don’t look in that direction again, nor do you ever go back in that direction.

sadaf shakoor
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