Issues and Counsel

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

Some People are confined into severe confusion, worry, or scared on indulging any certain difficult or vital circumstances. Contrary to this some persons lonely on account of their intellectual and physical abilities stand up to face these circumstances. Besides these two kinds of people a group of such people is also existed who neither hit by confusion nor approach to proud but make a concise plan by using others’ abilities and intellectual and act upon their advice after making self-struggles. The first group of aforesaid individuals who hit by confusion in the rainy days is consisted courage-less, fled-away and intrinsic-weak individuals. The people who have courage to face the stern problems and want to solve them in isolated way also do not want to take any advice from any quarters are called self-admirers and self-opinion. The third groups who in their issues and problems having taken the counsel and consultation of others face them bravely and patiently with efforts certainly are deserved to be called wise and successful.

Not a single person in the world who ever is not confined by issues, problems and hardships in his life. When the life is not free of them in any circumstances so why they are not accepted by courage and patience. Confusion, fear and fled-swaying approach are childish attitudes. To visualize them the intellectuals lose the abilities of contemplation and the human beings grow their hardships on account of haste and waste as well as on confused decision. Also negative effects begin to develop on their mental and physical approach which is an irreparable loss. It must be kept in mind that human beings are not totally independent and cannot remain in isolation as they need of others’ help from birth to death. Our Lord Allah is absolutely self-sufficient and independent – we need His help from birth to death and even after death but He does not need any help from any quarters. If we think deeply it will come to our knowledge that we pray Him for our own benefit and interest because actually He does not need any prayers and praises of human beings.

In this context it is also not an appropriate attitude that being considered perfect individuals we should stand up to face the hardships lonely. Self-liking attitude in which man visualizes himself the best and above all at last confines him into a dilemma. The counsel or guidance opens the closed windows of intellectual because it is established fact that nobody in the world who has knowledge and conscious of all things and all matters. Sometimes a well renowned intellectual may indulge into loss by avoiding a silly matter. He may confine himself into such issues and hardships the correct solution of which is beyond to his access of intellectual and comprehension. Therefore the person who trusts in his own comprehension and avoids to others’ counsel he oppresses himself unknowingly and this self-liking attitude may involve him into a dangerous position in any certain stage.

The individuals who take support and counseling of sincere, humanitarian and faithful people when they face any hardships always succeed in the world because they not only act upon their good advices but also make truthful attempts patiently to solve the problems. Their power of thinking and strength does not waste by confusion and fear. Having taken the counsel of well aware and wise people they accelerate their power of thinking many-fold. When any heavy stone is lifted with the support of a few people it is felt lighter and with this act of lifting energy and costly time both are saved.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 120023 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More