Success v/s Real Success

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

First we should understand what the meaning of success is. When a task gives fruit with the combination of labor, skill and direction as well as Divine approval it is known as success which gives satisfaction to the doer. Success cannot get easily; it involves a variety of struggles, skill and entrepreneurship. We should not worry to initial failure – it may be kept in mind that initial failure lays down the foundation of success. If we give up our struggle to achieve a target on the primary breakdowns, success can never be got and the man is confined by depression which in the long run opens the door of letdown upon him and he is totally collapsed.

If someone asks what is the real success in the world? The context of answer will be different according to the priority and faith of persons – a materialistic man considers that worldly wealth, famous and respect is real success. Some will say that spiritual satisfaction is real success and someone will say that to achieve power and status in the world is real success. But in actual scenario and approach the real success is mysterious and unknown because one who is considered powerful, wealthy, respectful and having prime status in the world might be in the lowest status or hell-owner in the Doomsday. On the other hand it may be possible that the poor or depressed people who have no status in the world might be awarded respect and heavenly-status in the Doomsday.

From the foregoing contents it is visualized that one who succeeds not only in the world but also in the Doomsday will be, certainly, a successful person. It can be got through “True Belief” – believe in only Allah –believe in Doomsday - believe in Heavenly Books – believe in good deeds. True believers have approval of Allah and His Prophet but un-believers do not. If we (nation of Pakistan) thoroughly analyze our deeds and belief it will be proved that we have totally slipped away the right path by way of hypocrisy, dishonesty, infidelity, misdeeds, unethical and cruel attitudes as well as meted-out injustices resultantly our homeland particularly masses are facing great critical catastrophe and misfortunes. Our problems are increasing day by day. It has become our habit that we curse our rulers and not exhaust by talking the misdeeds of others but we not carry out accountability ourselves which is must to smooth the society. Our devastation and disaster will end only when we mend ourselves by visualizing our belief and deeds whether they are according to the teaching of Allah and His Prophet or not. If our belief and deeds are negative then it must be kept in mind that we are totally unsuccessful and certainly would face the anger of Allah not only in the mortal world but also in the Doomsday and no recommendation would be available for us. State of the nation and people cannot be changed toward brightness unless and until we change ourselves to uprightness. Allah may give us courage to lead an upright and vertical life with true belief which certainly will breed real success by way of holy-prosperity, satisfaction and Non-turmoil society.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 120066 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More