Many heard speeches are unheard and many un heard speeches are heard.The heard speeches we are used to hear but unheard speeches are not heard by every one.Heard speeches are heard through ears while un heard speeches are heard through heart.Words play vital role in heard speeches whereas actions play paramount role in unheard speeches.Most of the time actions convey more than words.The heard speeches make us silent where as unheard speeches make us speak out.Heard speeches animate us with society but unheard speeches correlate us with nature.

Hearing the unheard is the best hearing.There is nothing in this universe speechless.Most of the time man is deaf as a post.All living and non living objects have speeches,some speeches are delivered in form of words,others in form of feelings.Sometimes,unspoken words are delivered like sermons and sometimes sermons are delivered like unspoken words.Stones,earth,the dead,flowers,mountains,vales,birds,cascade,air etc are delivering speeches either by words or by feelings.The whole universe came into being for man and all the universe has some message to be enunciated.Aroma of roses, tweed ling birds, humming bees,nightingale's warbles,lyrics of cascade, squalling air,music of flute,cock's crow,cat's mew,alternation of day and night, co lours of rainbow,autumn,spring etc have orations which are mostly unperceived by man.Nature is more loquacious than man.Nature can understand our speeches but we can not comprehend nature's vernacular.Flowers bloom to bestow us with aesthetic pleasure.The sun shines to illuminate the dingy street of our life and night falls to make us fall.The stars glow to embellish our nights and the light of moon brings to light the landmarks for night-faring.Seasons discern monotony of life.Nature delivers undelivered sermons to guide us.,Nature understand mans's requirements and fulfill them.Nature also deliver speeches to enlighten the conscious valley of man,it teaches us how to helddown the balance,it demonstrates if her lap is fecund,it is also sterile.The bustle of day is followed by the quell of night.The candle of spring is annihilated by the tornado of autumn.Flowers and thornS grow together like pleasures and sorrows reside together.Thorns protect flowers as sorrows protect man from being apathetic.Dearth of birds validate tragedy.Bees colletc nector with sacrificing efforts and present to man.Flying of birds in v form has a message for us.Atree burns itself in desert to give us shadelike stars kills themselves to give us dawn.Grass is like a velvet pillow for us.Nightingale sings for flowers,dewdrops wash the dust on them but flowers bloom for us.

The first lesson to man was delivered through an undelivered speech,Qabil was taught by a crow how to bury his brother Habil.Ant delivered speech was heard by Prophet Solomon P.B.U.H but is undelivered to us.As a camel complained to Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H against his owner .Natural elements understand man's speeches when a GOD gifted person speaks to them as OMAR R.A wrote a letter to the river Nile and with GOD's mercy river fLOWED sixteen cubits in one night.The dead can hear some speeches of the living but the living can not hear delivered speeches of the dead,as we came across a cemetery we should greet to the dead and the dead reply our greetings but we can not hear their reply .Some speeches are heard by animals but are unheard by man as Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H narrated, when a person is tormented in grave ,animals hear his cries but are unheard to man.Our own body parts will speak against us as Allah says in the Holy QURAN , in the Day of judgement mouth will be sealed hands will speak and legs will bear witness what they used to earn

THERE are undelivered speeches in our own body when we ignore them we ignore ourself.These speeches make a man a man,differentiate man from animals.our body is under our soul when we try to keep our soul under body deterioration starts,our conscience speaks to us time and again to tread us on right path but we make these speeches unheard.Man is hidden in his soul as essence of fruit is hidden in its bark.There are speeches of good and evil in our body ,but it is our choice which speech is more audible for us.

Faces also deliver undelivered speeches.FACE is mirror of heart, human speaks through toungue but humanity speaks through heart.Many facial speeches are more louder than word speeches because they are conveyed through symbols and expressions.poignant expressions on faces speaks out about misery, compulsion, melancholy, poverty, cruelty, anguish, destruction etc.Ditches on faces do not indicate oldage but demonstrate experience of life.wrinkles on faces shows the zigzag way of life.Red face of rose speakes about charm of life.IT IS hard to unbderstand facial speeches becausesome smiling faces are some times drowned in the ocean of tears.

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