World's oldest woman dies aged 116 in Georgia

(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi(original from Larkana))

The woman who was listed as the world's oldest person died Tuesday in a Georgia nursing home at age 116.

Besse Cooper died peacefully Tuesday afternoon in Monroe, according to her son Sidney Cooper. Monroe is about 45 miles east of Atlanta.

Cooper said his mother had been ill recently with a stomach virus.

Aging secrets: Ms Cooper, the oldest living woman in the world, died Tuesday at 116. Her secret to living so long? 'I mind my own business, and I don't eat junk food,' she once said

Passing peacefully: Her son said Ms Cooper died peacefully after having her hair done and watching a Christmas video

On Tuesday, however, she was feeling better and had her hair done and was watching a Christmas video when she had trouble breathing.
Ms Cooper was put on oxygen in her room where she died about 2 p.m., Mr Cooper said.

'With her hair fixed it looked like she was ready to go,' he said.
More...•Outrage over 'racist' Mexican-themed sorority party where members dressed up in Besse Cooper was declared the world's oldest person in January 2011. In May 2011, Guinness World Records learned that Maria Gomes Valentin of Brazil was 48 days older. Valentin died the next month.

'It's a sad day for me,' said Robert Young, Guinness senior consultant for gerontology. He recalls meeting Cooper when she was 111 and took note of her mental agility.

'At that age she was doing really well, she was able to read books,' he said.

Princess: Ms Cooper celebrates her 114th birthday with a senior consultant for Guinness World Records standing near

Kiss farewell: Paul Cooper, Ms Cooper's grandson, gives her a kiss on her forehead
Last year on Cooper's 115th birthday, she celebrated with friends and relatives, enjoyed two small slivers of birthday cake and was serenaded by a musician from Nashville who sang 'Tennessee Waltz.'

Besse Cooper was the first Georgian to hold the world record. She was born in Tennessee and moved to Georgia during World War I to look for work as a teacher.

According to Guinness only eight people have ever reached 116. She's held the title of oldest living person since 2011.

Her secret to living so long? The day she turned 116, she told Guinness, 'I mind my own business,' Cooper said. 'And I don't eat junk food.'

At her birthday, Mr Cooper said, 'the older she has gotten the more wittier she has gotten.'

Record winner: Jeanne Calment, believed to be the world's oldest person, died in 1997 at the age of 122 in Arles, France

Oldest: The title of world's oldest person now belongs to 115-year-old Dina Manfredini, of Johnston, Iowa
The title of world's oldest person now belongs to 115-year-old Dina Manfredini, of Johnston, Iowa, Young said.

The oldest known person of all time was Jeanne Calment, a French woman who lived to be 122 years old and died in 1997.

Sidney Cooper said his family will likely hold a funeral for his mother later this week.

Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 756478 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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