Golden Words by Wasif Ali Wasif

(Maryam Bari, Lahore)

His messages are easy to understand and simple to act upon. A brief selection of his famous quotes is presented below:

1.Belief in God, without belief in the Prophet (SAWW), would still be unbelief.

2.When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye.

3.The world is ancient, but it has not lost its newness.

4.A man is happy who is happy with his Naseeb.

5.Do not destroy anybody’s peace. You will find peace.

6. Remove the conflict between your desires and your duties, peace will come.

6.When the child is ill, the mother will know how to pray.

7.Investigation after declaration of submission leads astray.

8.Students are the real inheritors of country.

9. The period before the dawn of knowledge is called the age of darkness.

10. Man neither loses nor gains in this world. He just comes here and departs.

11.When Allah accepts repentance for sin, He wipes out the very memory of sin.

12.One who has no beloved in the country can never love the country.

13.He who is drowned in sin, is devoid of faith in prayer.

Mariam Bari
About the Author: Mariam Bari Read More Articles by Mariam Bari : 51 Articles with 116793 views Do the best & leave the rest to Almighty ALLAH... View More