Intercession (Sifarish) Culture

(Dr Ch Abrar Majid, Kuthiala Sheikhan)

We facing many problems and there are many social curse evils in our society but the major one that is not only mater of sham and degradation but the highest degree of ignorance is intercession culture. We have many divisions in name of classes, sect, affiliations but the most devastating element in our society is intercession (Sifarish) culture which fosters injustice, chaos, instability, conflicts, failure in delivery of services, bad governance and many more. The most shameful angle is that we feel it matter of honor and all political parties, beauracrats and high gentry of our country also promoting this culture and they have envisaged there business of supremacy on bases of Intercession culture. Now its emergence in our culture is to the extent that a common man can’t think to go in any office without any reference. People have lost their confidence and no one treat or deal without Sifarish or bribery. This is the highest kind of corruption that society not only has adopted but feels mater of honor.

I no more believe in criticism but feel necessary to draw the picture, just to make you easily understand the situation and signify the purpose to touch this very sensitive issue of our society. People make links and keep them maintain for generations just to live a simple safe life. No one can possess honor able life without direct or indirect links with these dominant groups of our society. People spent lot of money on these races just to enter this group and just show their power and oblige the people through promotion of this evil. Common man especially in rural areas has no other concept of purpose to vote rather to make links and get help in their individual endeavors. Common man need someone intercessor even if he want to get the copy of his/her land property record register. The most ignorant angle is that we all are part of this race and no one is thinking to get rid of this situation. We never realized that we doing all this for nothing. Our all qualities and energy of nation are being used on wrong side.

These evils develop steadily by the societies and reflect the intellectual of any society. As we all know that we have diverse cultural values and these developed in centuries. Different rulers and nations have been ruling in this region and they have their own objectives and benefits. They introduced different practices some to influence the people and some to control the public and they used these tools though some selected individuals by providing those luxurious and authoritative identity and status. We struggled to get rid of their ruling and succeeded to have this free land on the base of two nation’s theory but could not get rid of submissive thinking. We have still same methods and tact’s of ruling. We proud to be Muslim and we got this country to practice Islamic values but unfortunately still striving to adopt that. We got rid of the ruling parties but could not get rid of evils and practice introduced by them. We succeeded to change the faces, slogans but could not change our mind set, believes and perspectives of thinking. These all change through education which develop character not only by providing words and figures.

To combat this social evil is not only necessary to ease our life but to strengthen the institution, democracy, human rights and rule of law. It’s not only against the spirit of justice but the injunctions of Islam and the law of land. It will not be exaggeration if I say that it’s the main hurdle in development process. It has paralyzed not only the general public but the government machinery as well. Everyone is scared and the system has jammed. This is apparent violation of all fundamental rights embedded in our national and international human rights laws. This is worst kind of inequality, injustice, discrimination, modern form of slavery and humiliation. How can we expect justice when SHO in every police station of Pakistan is appointed on intercession (Sifarish) of political parties, you can imagine that what will be the criterion of his delivery of services. This is only one example and the same situation is in all departments of the country from educations department to agencies. Recently CNG crises are also good example that government has their own appointed officials, have been commended for new CNG connections and gas supply lines and now all blame is on OGRA. There are many other examples of failure of the government for delivery of services.

We need to take powerful initiatives and use all instruments to combat this and realize the people to get rid of it. Dear friend need you attention, please. Intercession (Safarish) culture is emerging more and devastating our society like cancer and it’s also confronting with fundamental rights and is main cause of injustice and chaos in our society. We launched petition to combat with this Safarish culture. You may check in detail and please help us through suggestions, comments and if you agree you may sign and invite more friends to meet our target best. Thank you

Dr Ch Abrar Majid
About the Author: Dr Ch Abrar Majid Read More Articles by Dr Ch Abrar Majid: 92 Articles with 129563 views By profession I am Lawyer and serving social development sector for last one decade. currently serving Sheikh Trust for Human Development as Executive.. View More