That life is not a bed of Roses!

(Abida Rahmani, Chicago)

This is a true story about a niece of mine who passed away this July 2012.

Her kids are now with their father in Houston and the wailing mother is left in Karachi Pakistan.

Let us pray to Allah swt for the departed soul to give her high status in Jannah ,success , well being and harmony for her kids.

Hazrat Abu Sa`id and Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that The Messenger of Allah[SAWW](PBUH) said: "Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience".
[Al-Bukhari Book 07,Chapter 70, Hadith # 545

She was thrilling with excitement when she called me, aunty I have got the papers for our immigrant visa and we are going to Islamabad for our visa by the end of the month. Is this possible that I stay with your brother? The shuttle leaves early in the morning for embassy , it will be easier for me to catch a taxi from Islamabad to diplomatic enclave.” “ Yes , of course. I am so glad to hear that , lots of congratulations . Don't worry you can stay with my brother and he will drop you at the embassy early in the morning. I 'll talk to him and let them know.” I assured her . “ Aunty I have taken off the kids from school , otherwise I had to pay summer vacation fee. I too have resigned from my job it was so strenuous and I was quite a bit tired.” “Yes you should ask Raza to enroll them here after you get visa, I am so happy for you that you are getting united with your husband and coming to USA.” We talked for quite a while . Nasrat was busy doing all the preparations to come to Houston to join her husband here.

After talking her I send an e-mail to my brother and he assured me that there is no problem in their stay with them and he will take care of her embassy's pick and drop.

It was almost 10 years when her husband Raza got immigration through his family and moved to USA. He was not highly educated but had some skills. He started work in a factory. She was lucky to have support of her mother. Her father had died long time ago , she was her lone child both of them lived together in their house. Being a very good driver, last time when I was in Karachi she gave me good rides and took me for shopping and eating around. It is always a blessing provided by some one when you do not have your own car. She narrated me the ordeals when her car got vanished from jumma bazaar . Luckily she had full coverage and got compensated.

On other occasion she and her mother both were robbed of cash, gold bangles, other jewelery and her purse got snatched . It was such a big hassle to re issue the id card and driving license. That is how the life in Karachi is?Insecure and unstable on the streets . One has to be prepared for these kind of situation. I comforted her and asked her to be grateful to Allah that their lives and honor is saved from those miscreants. She was looking forward to a peaceful life, where both husband and wife will be mutual partner taking and sharing their responsibilities.

Over the years she was the mother of three kids , one daughter and two sons. Lovely and growing up a little bit. The oldest one turned 15 this year , daughter 9 and youngest one 6years. She was a Montessori teacher at a local school, her mother was quite efficient taking care of the house and kids mostly. Both mother and daughter getting along nicely but she used to get desperate at times. She was a friend with me on face book .she was a great enthusiastic girl , dresses, hair styles, shoes a lot of fashionable stuff used to come through her page. Posting pictures used to be her hobby. A lot many pictures and albums were there on her profile. Kids birthday, Ameen, Bismillah she used to cover and celebrate all the occasions for them. Once I reprimanded her , while she started postings , “I miss my hubby”. “Nasrat there is no need of crying on Face book. Just pray to Allah for his help.”

This immigration process has taken a toll on her. After Raza got his citizenship then he was able to apply for them. It took years and a lot of efforts to go through the process. Earlier a lot many friends and relatives have advised her to apply for a visit visa to USA, go and stay there . It was not an easy task for this she has to tell the authorities lot of fake stuff. When she asked me once. I warned her not to follow any thing illegal or fake way otherwise she will get into more trouble. Wait and see and you will get your immigration one day and now the day has arrived. I felt so happy for her and her family. We the humble creatures of Allah are bonded in destiny and never know what is in store next for us?
After a week I saw her post that she is running a high fever and is diagnosed with Malaria. I called her and she told me that she was quite sick for a week and feeling very weak and exhausted. She was planning of going to Islamabad by bus which was almost 24 hours journey but now she plans to go by air. “Aunty , I'll stay with Raza's uncle. They live in Pindi because they felt it bad.”

I tried to call her cell # the day she went for interview to the embassy but my call did not get through. In the evening I called Raza , he told me that there is some problem with her picture , which she needs to change all other work went satisfactory. I was so glad for her , Called her mother whom I call bhabhi to congratulate. She told that again she has a bit of fever. May be she is weak or tired .

She will be OK now , I assured her. After she got back to Karachi, I talked her for a while and asked her to book her seat and come here as soon as possible. She was a bit upset with her ongoing high temperature, going to doctors who were doing a lot of tests and not finding some thing specific. At one time she was told that it is typhoid, then liver abscess and then dengue fever. She was quite a bit upset with her plans tampered, at one point she told me,” aunty I have a lot of pending work , shopping, tailoring and selling my car.”

For some of my work I had to visit Pakistan and went to Karachi. Visited them too with a few gifts, she was a bit pale and coughing. Worried about her on going fever, “ I take panadol( the Pakistani Tylenol) and then it is a bit down. I am just fed up with this fever and sickness.”

I got worried too , after two weeks the doctors decided to do a bone marrow test on her and she was diagnosed with acute leukemia. She posted on her face book profile.

This bone marrow test was so painful... We were just shocked to learn about the severity of the disease. So full of life a thriving woman of 37 years. That is what is called luck and destiny and Allah's will. I discussed with Raza , he informede me that he is going to Karachi and will bring her and kids with him. My son who is a doctor here in US told me that there are best hospitals in Houston for cancer treatment. They should send her as soon as possible. But her family in Karachi decided to start the treatment at the earliest. They admitted her to a cancer hospital in Karachi. Her chemotherapy got started , the doctors seemed quite hopeful and as I learned she told them to be informed about the whole process. Raza went but came back heart broken and dis appointed because she herself refused to come to USA. A big turn back and disappointment.

The side affects of chemotherapy had great effects . She lost all her hair and became weak and fragile with each passing day. In her 5th or 6th treatment she got lung and respiratory infection. AS it happens in Pakistan , the doctors gave up on her. AS the Hospital ventilator not working , she was moved to another hospital on ventilator. I visited her and was so appalled to see her condition.

Doctors and the hospital charging huge bills and giving statement every hour that now she is 70% on ventilator and 30% on herself. The cousins in the family rushing for arranging blood, plasma and platelets. The mother was totally devastated.
On her 10th day on ventilator the doctors told the family that there is no use to keep her further on ventilator and she breathed her last.
انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون

And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the patient, Who says, when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”: They are those on whom (descend) Blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance. (Al-Baqarah 2:155-157)

In another verse, Allah Almighty says:
He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (Al-Mulk 67:2)

Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because of the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grantsforgiveness. (Ash-Shura 42:30)

There is one hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Allaihi Wassalaam) tells us that the people who face the harshest trial are the prophets, then those next to them (in faith and devotion), and then the next. Everyone will be tried according to his level of faith; one who has strong faith will undergo a harsh trial and one who is of weak faith will receive a weak trial. And the affliction will encompass one until he becomes free of sins altogether.

Whatever befalls us, just keep in our mind what Allah Almighty says :
So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief: (5) Verily with every difficulty there is relief. (Surah Al-Inshirah 94-6)

In our trying times in our trial we seek Allah SWT ' s mercy and guidelines through Quran as we are his humble creatures and it shows
“That life is not a bed of Roses!

Abida Rahmani
About the Author: Abida Rahmani Read More Articles by Abida Rahmani: 195 Articles with 264974 views I am basically a writer and write on various topics in Urdu and English. I have published two urdu books , zindagi aik safar and a auto biography ,"mu.. View More