Instant Mood Swings
(Ambreen Hameed, Faisalabad)
"Mood Swings" problem that
everyone goes through every now and then. What is it...How does it really
works..?? Is it some sort of disease ? The answer is No, it is not a disease...
It's just a disorder that can occur instantly or due to some persistent reasons.
I have seen people often using the terms, disease and disorder synonymously.
However, there is some difference, in my opinion disease has some identifiable
causes or symptoms, while in case of disorder it is hard to say what could be
the possible reason.
Mood Swings are triggered due to different psychological or biological factors.
Biological factors include hormonal changes or imbalanced hormonal levels and
predominantly affects women during their menstrual cycle.
However psychological factors affects men and women equally. But I'm not
interested in exploring the causations or the processes involved. Here the point
is to understand how to cope with these mood changes or how to help the persons
suffering with these abrupt changes. Firstly, it would be helpful to know the
certain features about mood swings:
1. There is a change in the way you feel.
2. You could get frustrated and irritated or annoyed really quickly, that too
without sound reasons.
3. You may feel happy at a moment and then suddenly could get into depression.
4. You could be longing for anything and you feel like no one's really getting
Now, lets talk about the ways that could be helpful in case of mood swings:
1. First of all, be nice to the people who are facing these mood changes. They
are already going through some difficult time which is not harming anyone else
but their own selves.
2. In case you are going through these mood swings than try to be patient. Do
not rush into things.
3. Eat healthy, sleep properly and exercise regularly. Exercise helps releasing
endorphins that makes you feel satisfied and happy. In short, pamper yourself...
forget about world and work on your own happiness.
4. Be optimistic, start viewing things from a different perspective. Don't see
glass as half empty rather see it as half full.
5. Sharing with some good friend could help.
6. Let's not sit idle, divert your mind and keep yourself busy . Be creative, do
whatever you feel like.
In a society like our's, where psychological problems are not taken under
consideration and are often ignored, these were the few easy and simple
remedies. However, if the situation prevails for long then we should consult
some good psychological expert.