(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi(original from Larkana))

Did you know police dogs are trained to respond to commands in foreign languages (usually German or Hungarian)
Did you know the makers of the board game Monopoly print over 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money every year
Did you know Superman dates back to June 1938 (he first appeared in Action Comics No. 1)
Did you know the 'black box' that houses an airplanes voice recorder is actually orange so it can be more easily detected amid the debris of a plane crash
Did you know the average ice berg weighs 20,000,000 tons
Did you know the blueprints for the Eiffel Tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of drafting paper
Did you know the Colgate toothpaste company started out making starch, soap, and candles
Did you know the first crossword puzzle appeared in 1913
Did you know the human eye can detect more shades of green that any other colour
Did you know the number 4 is the only number that has the same number of letters in it
Did you know the statue of Liberty's mouth is 3 feet wide
Did you know the surface area of a brick is 79 cm squared
Did you know 3 teaspoons make up 1 tablespoon
Did you know useful life of a modern toilet is 50 years
Did you know jellyfish don't have a brain
Did you know 45% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star
Did you know the Greek national anthem has 158 verses
Did you know it takes 1 week to make a jelly bean
Did you know you can't tickle yourself
Did you know you can't trademark surnames


Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 708467 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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