Education System In Pakistan And Islam

(Hafiza Omaima Baig, karachi)

Everybody knows the importance of education no nation can survive without quality or modern education that builds nations and become the cause of prosperity it gives the path that leads towards bright feature so every country’s education policy should be made according to the era time and situation our religion Islam also gives and tells the importance of education not only for men but also for women. The real purpose of education in Islam to get peace and get close with Allah , prophet (P.B.U.H) and his teaching but unfortunately this essences of education not only lacking in school but also in madarsas who claim to be benefactor for others their one lots of school running private and government that have no revolution arise cause outline and well experience teaches who can lead students towards success so how can our nation be prosperous and revolutionary. Our parents are just insides the no of books and burden on children shoulder and just make them cram different topics concerning science, arts and lot more our education policy is nothing but a peace of garbage because the burden the children bear they are not usually able to find time to have complete rest or doing other curriculum activities such as playing cricket, football, volleyball and swimming because they have little time even they are not able to give time to relative because they get always busy with their books, making assignment and giving much time to their computer than parents and other close relative. Here we have to bring consideration towards systems of education running in our country there are four to six system running government system , private system, federal board, Aga khan board, and o level board etc and they are providing different quality of education the parent’s who can attired Aga khan o level a level system they can also afford sending their children to Europe, America and Australia and U.K for higher education so what happened next is “brain drain” therefore our own country is not able utilize their minds to bring prosperity in the country and the other students who belong to lower and middle class not with elite class they are considered average students and they can just get average jobs.

Hafiza Omaima Baig
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