Economic Anarchy

(Imran Safdar, Faisalabad)

Entire world business about currency badly bottomless low stage due to current economics evils. We not give blame any lethargic cause pertain system trade traffic world wide move under hand latest climate about financial tendency. Today discussed regarding happened reasons this chaos issue sabotage global economic blossoms After finish Russian War against Afghan world weather become flourish for free business and trade.

Supreme power Russia awful collapsed astonishingly. This on record Europe also against Russia action in Afghanistan and USA submit much support aspire stop Russia involvement on global affairs as Super Power. Europe appear evidence stead fast pertain achievement income wealth unity respect prosper among entire Europe. All look create regional currency named EURO. Block of European Union become famous trade market in the World. Euro obtain profit with amazing success further bring radical change in international business market season.

China is big product manufacture trade market country among world wide. Production of China easily avail for all business market according there demand and requirement standard. China in business progress field reach make smooth position in global market.

Peoples fully know present cause of business dilemma failing economic problem appear during the start of 9/11 disaster. History explain this attack direct affect confused global development trade and financial system. This attack not only USA ground but with sorrow aim hidden this incident disturb progress growth of global trade. After this incident all countries of world should make plan finish the roots such like occurrences in future on world level and make all nations system safe respectable pride clean and soft benefit pertain international community and culture.

Man reach in space and get education about hidden secret of nature. Day by day latest discovery invents to make appear accomplish system of people’s life unique. Certain its clear after disaster and crises in men history provide goal reasonable result. United Nations become cause bring together all countries. When we broken international law and finish due respect admissible authorized all countries under the charter of United Nations. Then we should make preparation easily face such type conflict and disturb issues. All countries depend run there business of system with international currency US$. This crises give problem of Dollars supremacy business.

All regions of the world have this opportunity and pursue create any replaced currency fulfill there economic necessaries. United Nation is supreme department in the world for control dispute and harmful crises dilemma. United Nations consider this financial turning point issue and make reasonable solution for further zeal and stead fast global system of hormone purpose.

Imran Safdar
About the Author: Imran Safdar Read More Articles by Imran Safdar: 61 Articles with 44748 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.