Water Importance
(Imran Safdar, Faisalabad)
Water big blessing of our God
for humans. Requirement of water always needed during beginning of universal
system. This clear apparent without water life cannot spend on earth. Peoples
get acquire water for daily use in common widespread life of public. Water avail
through rain ice on mountains dig tunnel in ground we gain water through well
and hand pump etc.
Rain is naturally blessing pf ALLAH provide water through procedure with
approval of ALLAH and full our desired and necessity of water. This very
interesting system of Water dropped from sky through cloudy and rainy seasons.
This moment we just look cloudy day our water requirements. Rain covered all
parts of world because cloud gloomy run every where one sky. Due to rain our
forests are grow up and all fields plains mountains desert look green and
Peoples drink water for spend life, agriculture completely depend on water.
Electric provide us energy and lights on night this system also use water for
electric production. If we exam ply entertain and look back period of ignorant
days before Islam. The peoples of this days always fight clashed for attain
Water resources Rivers Canals and lacks for use and bring fulfill other
requirements. They also fight occupy through power on green fertilizer field for
gain increase wheat and grass for animals greasing.
But embarrassment regarding understand during now days Its means we forget 15
Hundreds years before ideology and educations. This trouble strict system
completely demolish spend our life with Islamic teaching and culture. Stop all
black rules in society and create pursue invent pious latest unique direction
track for further life on nation.
Present time amazingly current modern tenure in world history but why we again
remember views of ignorant life all peoples agree with this option next time
country war combat on water issue. Our Prophet P.B.U.H clear decide this
conflict why world again going this brutal way.
Certainly our nation further to other country peoples of world reach pertinent
goal regarding success they complete water deficiency accept and act on Islamic