Slap On The Faces Of Educated Students

(Hina Sadaqat, Rawalpindi)


WOW! What a future we have given by our Leaders.Yes OUR Leaders,Our Representatives.After expending a big amount of money on our education,bearing the severity of circumstances,holding the bachelor's degrees,were we waiting to hold the keys of TAXISSSSSSSS? By giving keys our leaders think that they exempted from all liabilities. They gave us a brilliant, charming, glorious future? No, Not at all, actually its a slap on the faces of educated students, that Why they spent their parents money for needles education? Why they got education? Why thy forced their families to endure, to compromise with circumstances? Y thy filled their parents, little sisters & brothers eyes with dreams? Y they gave false words to them that they would become an "EDUCATED OFFICER"? Why they compelled them to sleep without food & pay our fees first Y Y Y Y?Didn't u know that ts was your future which we (Leaders,Representatives) had already thought regarding u educated students?

So those students should wake up who have already all the facilities & can easily make their future if as they desire, be with them., Please come out from luxurious life & be a part of them, think for them, something do for them.


 Hina Sadaqat
About the Author: Hina Sadaqat Read More Articles by Hina Sadaqat: 3 Articles with 2104 views My beloved is Allah & my Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW). I am Knowledge seeker,Lover of Justice & Peace... View More