Nation building at schools

(Syed Ali Mehdi, karachi)

A school is a place where we shape the mind and character of the next generation. Schools are not meant to emphasize upon academic goals only or to provide students a clearly defined procedure for achieving those goals. They must also widen the interest of the children in the world around them, by developing their intellectual resources.

Teachers can also be called the builders of a nation’s future. A teacher’s role in nation building is to develop a student’s cognitive functioning, emotional maturity, character formation and social skills, so that in the future, they could become responsible citizens.

Since almost half of a school day, a student is with the teacher; hence they have an indelible effect on the whole personality of the student. There is a dire need for teachers to understand the importance of their duties. In addition to the need to plan the curriculum, teach, assign and grade work, a teacher should also be able to help the students in positively directing their intellectual competence, enhancing their emotional stability and making them aware of social values. These three areas merit further deliberation.

Intellectual Competence: In the context of intellectual competence, at least five important aspects collectively contribute to the building blocks of personality. First, the use of language is the back-bone of intellectual sharpness. While basic language skills evolve at home, a teacher plays an important role in its acquisition and development. A teacher’s instruction must be clear and without any ambiguity. Secondly, thinking skills help manipulate information in the form of images or concepts for decision-making and problem-solving. In Violet T. lbera’s words “More than hammering lessons into their students’ heads, teachers must provide them the tools to make them thinking individuals”. Thirdly, intelligence, which includes the ability to work on a variety of tasks, especially those related to academic success. A teacher’s approach towards education should be based on a student’s natural curiosity and tendency to act in the world in order to understand it. Knowledge is most meaningful when students construct it themselves rather than having it imposed on them. Fourthly, memory, which is a process by which the product or results are stored for future use, is an essential element as well. A teacher can make use of different mnemonic devices like imagery, grouping or coding to make materials more simple and easy to learn for the students. Fifth factor is creativity, as the ability to produce work that is both novel and appropriate. It can be enhanced by creating the right attitude and environment which is receptive to new ideas and being alert to potential problems that might be solved. Nike shoes invention is a classic case in point that led to the significant success of the commodity.

While working for enhancing the intellectual competence, a teacher might have to face problems, like lower intellectual capacity, dyslexia or attention deficit disorder; etc. They should have the skill to recognize the problem and know how to handle it.

Emotional Stability: Although several aspects are involved in emotional stability of a young person, five simple steps are most important in this regard. First, a positive self-image of the student can be projected by the teachers through their attitude towards the students; second, trust builds the primary foundation for the development of a healthy emotional attitude; third, a teacher’s support and affection will give the student adequate courage and strength to move forward in life; fourth, unwavering patience on the part of the teacher would give hope and persistence to students to go on, despite difficulties; fifth, impartiality in student handling is very important for the emotional well-being of a child. Favoritism and biased attitude can give rise to feelings of being neglected or inferiority. Finally, the way a teacher makes use of reward and punishment also has a very lasting effect on the emotional stability of the student. Rewards should be positively and liberally used to make a child repeat or inculcate any desirable behavior. To change any undesirable behavior of the student, punishment should only be used sparingly but positively by the teacher.

Social Values: A teacher must introduce social values by being a role model for character building of students. Teachers can help the students to inculcate three positive traits to function in the society. First such trait is consistency- by organizing, planning and executing the academic or curricular activities; secondly, time management, through an ability to communicate one’s point of view without being aggressive or losing control; thirdly, ethical values, that can help students in deciding what is right or wrong. These should be based on the cultural values that shape our views on child guidance.

A teacher should bring out the best in the students. They should be able to guide, inspire and motivate the youth to strive for the best and to aspire for higher learning. A good mentor should be able to share life’s experiences to produce graduates who can speak their minds and not parrot anyone, thereby contributing towards nation-building by becoming independent, confident and competent beings.

The quality of learning that children experience is of crucial importance for both their future and that of their nation. In guiding student’s learning and development, a teacher must possess the knowledge, skills and sensitivity to interact successfully with not only the child but also parents, management and others whose action can affect children throughout their lives. All of them can collaboratively work like a team and play a pivotal part in nation-building.

Syed Ali Mehdi
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