Need Of School And Colleges In Interior Sindh

(Taha Siddiqui, karachi)

I being the citizen of Pakistan, have high concern towards the education of female especially in Interior Sindh. In interior Sindh people are not used to send their children to school . This Happened due to illiteracy in their parents and shortage of schools and colleges in the Interior Sindh. Parents are not educated mostly in the Interior Sindh and just because of it they do not feel to educate their child especially Daughter. Receiving education is the basic right of every citizen. Moreover, our religion says the “Education must be received by men and women”. There are no schools for females in Interior Sindh . Female for Interior Sindh People are just born to do household works. They are bound in their houses.

Females are not allowed to receive education. Parents usually does marriage of their daughter before the age of maturity. And the chain begans uneducated mother her uneducated child and so on.

Education for girls is so important because if she is educated she know the basic ethics . She will teach all of them to their child, And in that way Pakistan have an educated youth which is the significant need of our country. There should be a number of schools and colleges in Interior Sindh. Government should hire a team who must aware the people about the importance if female education.

Taha Siddiqui
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