God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.....

(S.Ali, karachi)

The main theme of my article is 'God helps those who help themselves'.The meaning of this saying is that 'you believe that if you make an effort to achieve something,you will be successful'

Lets take an example nt a difficult one just a simple 1 from our daily routine observation to express this,their were many students in the class.some students strived for their good grades n with this they kept on praying to Allah.when these both things mixed with each other. their effort n Allah helps,these students got their desirable grades.so its mean that if v effort for a comfortable life inshallah v will get it.

Like our great leader Quaid-e-azam has struggled for a Muslim land. without endeavored this country never ever possible.if he did only plea without practical urge than this country became only a dream for him. now a days our country people r only praying without taking any solid effort. v r again n again electing those people who r extreme corrupt.v r poor becoz our leaders bank has full of money's think no 1 is responsible for our country this condition more than our own selves becoz if v cost our vote honestly than this condition has never arised.

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